Idyll Interrupted

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Sure, she'd only been awake for a couple of hours, but to Mystia Lorelei, it had already been a long day.

Sure, none of the blood that caked her hands and covered her outfit was hers, but that didn't change the fact that it would take some serious effort to wash out.

Sure, she wasn't necessarily close with the two of them, but that didn't mean that the gravity of the situation didn't make her rather uncomfortable.


She figured that she'd seen enough corpses today.

And, as she hovered uncertainly in the lobby of Eientei, she found herself considering a morbid question.

...Will there be two more?


She couldn't help but think back on what had led up to this point.

~~~~~~Tradition's End~~~~~~

Sure, she'd only been awake for about an hour, but to Mystia Lorelei, it had already been a weird day.

It was weird that she was out and about during the daytime in the first place.

Now, she didn't need to sleep (she was a youkai, thank you very much!), but she vastly preferred the darkness of the night. Enough so, that she considered sleeping to be one of the best ways of passing the time until the next sunset.

So, when she was rudely awakened in the late afternoon by a frantic knocking at her door, she was only slightly miffed.

"Hold ooooon... I'm coming..." A sleepy-eyed night sparrow rose from her nest of blankets and shuffled towards the front door.

Youkai didn't need to sleep, but for some reason, they could feel the effects of it.


The source of the knocking had turned out to be a rather panicked Daiyousei.

As it turned out, Cirno had disappeared that morning, and Dai couldn't find her at any of their usual spots.

That was pretty strange. Cirno and Daiyousei were practically joined at the hip. Those two did everything together.

Why would she have run off without telling Dai?


Mystia wasn't really all that concerned. Cirno was a fairy. Basically immortal.

And... she might have been a blockhead, but she was a surprisingly good fighter.

She really didn't feel the need to worry about it.

As such, she got herself ready at only a slightly faster than normal pace.

Faster, only because she had a certain green-haired fairy rushing her along.


As Mystia helped Daiyousei search the Forest, the pair happened to come across another friend.

Wriggle Nightbug, even more of a night owl (or night bug) than Mystia, was wide awake and investigating the area around her home. That was also weird.

Apparently, she'd been woken up by vibrations.

That had confused Mystia at first, until she remembered that Wriggle was, in fact, a bug. She was good at feeling vibrations through the ground.

Wriggle had said that the vibrations felt like an ongoing battle, and she'd wanted to check it out.


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