Of Ze and Ufufu

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Considering the way she talked about it, Marisa struck Eric as the type to visit the Village as little as possible. Granted, all he really knew about her was that she and Alice were neighbors and that she had a big laser.

Still... The tone of her voice when she'd said the words 'city' or 'village' gave off a certain impression. Like there was some sort of resentment there.

For what reason? Well, it wasn't really any of his business, anyways.

But that was why, when he saw her again in the Village about a week after first meeting her, it came as a surprise.


The day had started off well.

It was after closing time at the Tradition's End. Eric had just finished stacking the last of the chairs onto the tables. He took a long, deep breath before releasing a happy sigh. All that was left to do was the sweeping, and his terrific employee had already started on it.

Business had been good today, and the café was closed tomorrow. All was right with the world.

He looked back over to his employee, the red hair and cape sticking out like a sore thumb amidst the relatively neutral and wood tones of the dining area.

Hiring Sekibanki had been one of the best decisions he'd ever made regarding Tradition's End. Right up there with making the operating hours flexible and utilizing magic to enhance the quality of the food and drink.

Not only was she a quick learner who could think on her feet, but she also seemed to have a little bit of a perfectionist streak.

"Hey, Sekibanki."

Her big blue bow and long red cape fluttered as she stood back up, a broom and dustpan in her hands. The floor was totally mess-free.

"Another great job today!" Eric augmented the statement by throwing out a big thumbs up.

"...Thanks, boss." Sekibanki said as she headed towards the supply closet to put up the broom.

"And, uh, you really don't have to call me that..." He... really wasn't all that comfortable with being in a position of authority yet.

"...Would you rather me call you master?" Her voice was completely deadpan, but there was a glint in her eyes.

"What? No! That's even worse!"

Sekibanki chuckled quietly. "You got it, boss."

...She was still pretty taciturn, but at least it seemed like she was growing more comfortable. Comfortable enough to crack a joke every once in a while, at least.


As he watched Sekibanki step out into the late afternoon sun, he couldn't help but wonder how she managed to keep wearing that big cloak when the late spring heat was beginning to resemble that of early summer.

"Have a safe walk home!" he waved.

She looked over her shoulder at him. "Yeah, you too," she said before walking away.

...but she knows I live in the café...

He couldn't see to be sure, but he just knew that she was snickering underneath that cape.


It was shortly afterward that Eric himself strolled out of the café.

His destination? Suzunaan. His goal? To check if they had any new grimoires in stock. Hopefully, he'd find one that detailed how to actually use magic in combat. One that outlined ways to increase his magical ability would have also been nice.

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