Stage Setting

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Apparently, the mental picture was critical when it came to manipulating one's mana.

That was not to take away from the importance of memorizing runes, incantations, and the like. No, those were the ones that gave shape to one's magic; the things that gave it structure. A single mangled word or skewed line could drastically alter the effects of a cast spell, if not cause it to fail altogether.

However, the base-layer concept of controlling and effectively utilizing the flow of magic within oneself, especially for novice casters, relied heavily on one's ability to visualize both their own mana and the pathways it took through the body.

For Eric, it had taken him longer than he liked to admit to realize that he'd been doing this all along. Whether it came to cooking, shielding, or flying, he had always found it easier to perform such feats when he held the image of success in his mind. He'd always thought that it was some kind of coincidence, or that it was a matter of willpower, but, as it turned out, it was just how it was supposed to be done for a beginner like him.

As one grew more experienced, more comfortable with their mana, it became progressively easier to visualize what would result in a successful cast. Eventually, it ended up cementing itself as second-nature to a magic wielder, allowing one to bring out their power without even having to think about it.

With how swiftly she moved and how coordinated she was with the handling of her dolls, he figured that Alice had likely long since passed the point of needing to consciously manipulate her mana. It also probably helped that she was a magician youkai, and therefore possessed a high affinity for magic.

Still, it came as a genuine surprise to Eric, just how well she had been able to explain the concept, despite not needing to rely on it herself.

He likely wouldn't have learned otherwise.




"Close your eyes and imagine, if you will," Alice moved to elaborate after a solid half-hour of Eric trying and failing to gather energy in the space between his palms. "That your mana is an integral part of your body. Much like the bones that grow within your flesh or the blood that runs within your veins."

Eric nodded, shutting his eyes tightly. He could not help the edge of frustration and hints of defeatism growing at the back of his mind.

It had been days. Days spent struggling on one simple concept.

So far, just like every one of his previous attempts, he simply hasn't been able to channel his magic in the way that he'd wanted, much less form anything resembling danmaku.

His barriers... Hell, even flying had come to him easier than this. It was disheartening in a way, that he continued to fail on what should have been such a basic task.

Still, he would press on. It would be a disservice to both Alice and himself if he didn't.

"It is palpable. It is tangible. It is real. There are channels set within you, a network within which your mana may flow. Much like your own circulatory system, it permeates your entire being. It reaches from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers and toes, connecting everything in between." Alice sighed lightly. It sounded... cleansing.

"Please, do your best to visualize this. To relax and feel your mana as it flows beneath your skin."

Eric sighed, himself. It helped to refocus his mind and allow him to concentrate on that which was being asked of him.

To feel his mana, huh?

He tried his best to forget his frustrations and block out all distractions. The less he thought, the more he could feel.

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