Origins of Poppy |9|

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Mr. Son lets out a heavy sigh of relief the moment Ruin disappears.

"I have to say," I tell him as I wash up the cup Ruin left behind. "You're taking all of this really well, Mr. Son. Cupids, Grim Reapers, and pixies, it's more than most mortal minds can handle."

Mr. Son chuckles and takes another drink from his coffee. "To be honest I feel like I'm living in a dream. None of this feels real. I keep expecting to wake up in my bed wondering what the hell I must have read to lead to this Alice in Wonderland type of dream."

"Unfortently, I'm no rabbit, Mr. Son, and this is no dream." I tell him before putting the cup on the drying rack and taking a seat in front of him. "I wish it were. I'm truely sorry for how last night turned out and what I put you through. I'm sure Timber was a lot to deal with."

"She was." He nods in agreement. "I know you think I'm crazy for demanding I come here, but-"

"You're not crazy. You have every right to be concerned. Timber is only going to get worse, and it's probably safer here for you than being at home alone." I sheepishly admit as I play with the placemat in front of me.

Mr. Son rims the top of his cup with his finger before asking, "How much worse."

I take a deep breath. I don't want to scare him, but maybe it's best he knows. "She's going to become increasingly more possessive. The more you reject her affections the more hostile she'll get, and eventually, she'll have the 'if I can't have him then no one can,' mentality."

His dark eyes grow wide. "You're saying she'll try to kill me?"

I nod. "More than likely. At least, that's what happened last time."

"Great. How long do we have?"

I shrug, "It's different for each person. The last time the person was already unstable, and I think was planning the assasination before he was shot anyway, I just expidited the process."

"I guess faking a relationship with her until we get this fixed isn't a good idea either?" He asks. He cringes at the idea, telling me he couldn't play that idea off even if he wanted to.

"It might satisfy her for a moment, but it'll quickly turn into a possessive, toxic relationship. The results will still end up the same, because your 'love' will never be enough. She'll smother you."

"I guess being your fake boyfriend is a better option than being her's then."

"Yeah," I agree a little too quickly until what he said sinks in. "My what?"

A smirk appears on his face as he leans back in his chair. "Your neighbor across the hall stopped by to check on us. "

"You answered the door," I groan as I rest my face into the palms of my hands. I can't imagine the rumors that are going to filter through this apartment complex now.

"Technically, Poppy did. I was chasing after her to stop her." A small smirk creeps onto his face. "Your roommate is plucky."

"That's an understatement," I grumble.

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