Books & Blondes |12|

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Besides the Hall of Amorology's library, this is the first time I've seen so many books in one place. My fingers itch to touch the spins of each delectable world as I keep Thumbalina tucked under my arm. I've been waiting for Mr. Son to come back, and in the process, the romance section called out to me, begging me to show it some attention.

I follow my feet to my favorite section, where a rainbow of books calls to me from their shelves. My fingers dance across titles. "How to Catch a Cherryblossom." "Pretending Couple." "Midnight Mass."

The last one, I pull out to find a mighty fine priest threatening to disrobe on the cover. "Kinky."

It might not be my typical flavor, but it might be an unusual one to review for my YouTube channel. In different store sections, Mr. Son has little reading areas set up. I pick a high-top table near the front of the store.

I dive into the book, getting lost in its magical leaves. My viewers call me a reading demon cause I seemingly speed through books, but it's what I do in every free moment. If I'm not making a critique video about a book or making people fall in love, I'm living vicariously through the characters I read about. Experiencing what love might be like with them.

"Priests?" Mr. Son's mellow voice startles me out of my daydreams.

I jump into the tall wooden chair I'm sitting in, almost tossing myself out of it.

"Is that your thing?" He glances at the cover as he sets two paper cups of coffee on the table. "Are you attracted to priests?"

"No, absolutely not, no." I close the book and set it to the side. "I was checking it our for the channel."

"Right," He nods, but I catch a smirk before he slides a hot paper cup over to me. "I picked out something, for you, I hope you don't mind."

"Thank you." I watch him as I take a sip, enjoying the comforting warmth that spreads across my hand. In the first sip, I love the sweet, nutty flavor that enriches my senses, pulling a delighted hum from me.

"So tell me about this channel of yours. Do you get recognized out in public?" Kiki asks. He looks so casual and comfortable in his chair.

I shake my head and set my coffee down. "No, I don't leave my house enough for that."

"You were out the night you tried to shoot me," he points out. The 'shoot me' part comes out a little aggressively. I can see how he might be prejudice against the idea of being shot, and I don't blame him for still being annoyed.

"That was work. It's different. People can't see me." I take another sip of my drink. The blend of flavors is absolutely perfect. It's like he knew what I would like without even knowing myself.

Kiki turns toward me and scoots his chair a little closer. As I try to figure out why he's bridging the gap between us and getting my heartbeat under control, he leans in close enough that his cologne's zesty, masculine aroma effortlessly dances its way to me.

"So, if people can't see you in Cupid Mode, why can I?" He asks a question I've been asking myself since our eyes met.

"I truly don't know, Mr. Song," I tell him, trying not to look as defeated as I feel.

He takes a deep breath, then speaks softly. "Maybe it's because I have a unique connection to you that no one else does." He smiles, and I feel my heart flutter as I watch him play with the lid of his coffee cup. His eyes drop to his hands as the air grows thick between us. "Is that possible? Have you ever heard of anything like that before?"

A lump forms in my throat as my mouth grows dry. I try to swallow the ball of nerves as I shake my head. "No," I cough out. "Not that I know of anyway." My stomach moves like the ocean as questions pile on my shoulders, weighing them down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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