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The Hall of Records looms over us like a dark grey cloud

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The Hall of Records looms over us like a dark grey cloud. "It doesn't exactly scream, Welcome, We're Open, does it?"

"I think that's the point," Ruin smirks over his shoulder at me before grabbing my hand and tugging me along.

I take a deep breath and step inside, feeling a chill run down my spine. Ruin's grip tightens around my hand as I look up at the front of the building with engraved towering shelves filled with books, scrolls, and artifacts chiseled into the stone.

The doors squeal on their hinges as Ruin pushes them open. Inside, the hall is dark, and the only thing to guide our footsteps is hope and a bright white circle at the end of the hall. I inch closer to Ruin and flitch at any sound of scurrying I can hear.

"Give me room to breath, Calli." Ruin nudges me when he stumbles over my feet.

"Sorry," I mutter and put some space between us. "Why is it so dark in here?" I ask, looking around, but everything is too dark to see what it is.

"Calli!" Ruin tries to warn, but it's too late.

I get too close to the walls, and sticky threads grab me. I shriek in terror, and the sound of thousands of feet runs away from me.

Ruin pulls me close to him and brushes the webbing away the best he can. "You're more of a problem than I expected you to be."

"You know I hate spiders," I hiss.

Ruin laughs and wraps his arms around me. "Sorry, but this was your idea, and beside they aren't spiders." He takes my hand and guides me to the circle at the end of the tunnel.

It opens into a room full of files, like one you'd expect to see in a DMV or any government office. Behind the large desk, a woman dressed all in black sits behind a computer. Her black hair is pulled back in a very sleek bun. The moment we step into the room, her eyes turn up to us. Or I assume they do. It's hard to tell they're completely whited out. It's hard to tell where she's looking at all. It's an odd trait that both Reapers and Fates share.

"Can I help you?" She asks as I notice the silver nameplate pinned to her lapel. 'Moira.'

Ruin walks up to the desk and leans against it, putting on his best charming smile, not that it seems to have any influence on Moira. "Yes, can I get a file please."

Moira sighs and starts typing away at her computer. "Name, date of birth, place of residency."

I dig the paper out of my pocket and hand it to Ruin. He looks down at the information Mr. Son gave me and frowns. "We only know that her name is Timber Lynn Keel, she lives in Hammon City, Massachusetts."

Moira's gaze slowly turns to Ruin. Maybe she could be looking at me, too. "You realize there could be fifty results under that name in that city if not more."

"I suppose we'll take all of them then," Ruin looks back at me for confirmation, but I just shrug. I'm unsure what other option we have other than sorting through the files to find our girl.

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