Chapter 8

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It was Christmas and Harry was in a panicked state. He was pacing the common room with a wrapped present in his hand. At the beginning of the year Hagrid had handed him a card and said that he could use it and it would take money form his vaults, which apparently he had loads of. He used that money to buy a secret present. he already sent his friends theirs and his sat bellow the tree which was surprisingly four presents. He knew two were form Hermione and Draco but he didn't know the other two. Groaning in frustration he put the present on the couch before sitting on the floor and staring at his presents. 

TO his luck he heard a knock on the portrait and shot up opening it "Professor Snape." "Good morning child. I saw you didn't attend breakfast so i decided to see why not." "Breakfast? Oh right, food. I'm sorry. I tend to forget to eat." Snape withheld a growl "it's alright child. I brought you a few things. Including a treacle tart." Harrys eyes lit up before Snape continued "Which you can have after you eat." "Thank you sir. Please come inside." he lead the man inside where Snape took a seat on the couch and Harry took on back on the floor. Snape waved a wand and a plate appeared in front of Harry with a sandwich, apple and treacle tart, along with a goblet of orange juice. "Eat. Then you can open your presents." Harry nodded and started eating happily.

Wiping his mouth with a grin Harry looked up at the Professor "Can i open them now please sir?" "Go ahead child." said Snape with an encouraging nod. Taking one Harry read the label finding no name. Curiously he unwrapped it to find a silky coat. He read the note aloud "Your father left this in my possession when he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." with a confused look he stood in front of the mirror and put the cloak around his shoulder before gasping while Snape chocked on air. "I'm invisible!" exclaimed Harry. "I see that." "Who do you think it's form sir? And why would my father have this? I never even knew this existed." asked Harry as he sat back down and put the cloak one side. "Well i believe i know who sent it and the invisibility cloak is an heirloom passed through the Potter family i believe. It's one of the oldest and most authentic." "Oh." "Yes and harry?" Harry looked to the man "Yes sir?" "If you use that thing to cause trouble i will band treacle tart for you." the Childs eyes widened in horror as he nodded "Y-Yes sir." "Good. Now go on." 

Opening the next one the label read Hermione. Harry chuckled when he pulled out a broom cleaning kit and a book on legendary Quidditch players. "I can show you ow to use the kit." offered Snape. "Thank you sir." he replied before putting those aside and opening the next present that read Draco. He found a book that looked to be a children's book with a note that read "I know you were raised by muggles so this is a famous children wizards book. My favourite in fact. I didn't buy it or anything. It's the one my parents gifted me. Have fun reading it." Harry chuckled lightly and wiped his fallen tears. He felt a hand rub his back and leaned into the touch.

When he was calm he saw that Snape took a seat right next to him on the floor leaning with his back against the couch. "Why don't you open the next present Harry." nodding Harry took the last present under the tree. Reading the label he grinned "It's from you sir?" "It is." "But you already bought me loads of things." "Clothes are an essential things for every person Harry. Those don't count. Now open the present." grinning Harry unwrapped his gift to find a new wizards chess set as well as a golden snitch with his name engraved on it in silver. Waiting for a reaction the potions master suddenly had an armful of Potter thanking him over an over. He hugged Harry back "It's Christmas Harry. I take it you like it?" "Liked it? I love it. Thank you." "You're welcome. Now come on there's one more present on the couch."

Harry pulled back and looked around shyly "Actually it's not for me. I-It's m present...t-to you sir." "Me?" Harry merely nodded. In surprise Snape took the gift and unwrapped it. His eyes widened at what was inside. He found a tray of potion bottles that could withstand anything and each had Snape's initials at the bottom in black. There was also a few ingredients for common potions wrapped in there. "Harry-I-thank you." speechless the man put his gift away and pulled Harry onto his lap while his fingers through the boys hair. "Merry Christmas child." " 'erry Christmas sir." said Harry snuggling into the touch.


"Ah Severus my boy. What can this old man do for you?" asked Dumbledore joyfully when the Professor entered the office. Snape rolled his eyes and took a seat in front of the desk "Albus why did you give Harry that cloak?" he accused. "Harry? No longer Potter? I see you've been getting along well." sad the man with a twinkle in his eyes. Snape glared "You're avoiding the question Albus." "I apologize my boy. An old mans memory you must forgive me. Well the cloak is an heirloom and since he is the Potter heir he deserves to have it. Am i wrong?"

 "No. But you would have put it in his vault where he could get it when he was older." "Why? Are you afraid?" "Yes you old fool! His curiosity is one that baffles me! And he's an eleven year boy! Put that together and you have a monster! The child will surely get into trouble with it. Merlin forbid he gets hurt." Dumbledore seemed to assess him before grinning "You care for the boy." "I never said that." denied Snape "Actions speak louder than words my friend." "It's useless talking to you. Good day and Merry Christmas Albus." "Merry Christmas my boy." replied the older man as Snape left the office "I found the perfect place for our little Harry."

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