Chapter 15

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Once they reached the hospital, they asked the receptionist for the whereabouts of their girls and hurriedly left to find them.

Ekansh's POV

The receptionist told me that Isha was in her cabin prepping for a surgery. I quickly reached her cabin as I was desperate to meet her and knocked on her door. I heard a sweet soothing voice which said "come in". I entered and looked around her cabin noticing all the small little details, Isha hadn't looked up at me as she was still busy looking into the file in her hands. After a while, maybe feeling my gaze on her she immediately looked up at me with eyes filled with amusement but, quickly covered it up and asked me " Kunwar Sa aap yaha kya kar rahe hain ?? , can I help you with something ?"

(Translation - what are you doing here ?,can I help you with something ? )

I felt bad when she was being so formal with me and calling me Kunwar Sa just like outsiders but, I understood this was her way of showing anger and disappointment towards me. I didn't like it even for a bit and said "Ekansh, aap mujhe Ekansh bula sakti hain. Actually, I'm here because i wanted to have a talk with you and don't worry I will wait however long your surgery is going to take. "

(Translation - you can call me Ekansh, Actually, I'm here because i wanted to have a talk with you and don't worry I will wait however long your surgery is going to take.)

She looked a little taken aback but nevertheless didn't say anything for a while and when she was about to say something , a nurse came in asking her to hurry up. She hurriedly went away. I decided I would wait for her in her cabin. When I was looking around, I found a bouquet and card placed on the coffee table near the couch in the corner, I didn't want to invade her privacy but I couldn't help look into it and found a confession written on the card.

I lost my temper when someone had dared to hit on my girl. My blood boiled at the thoughts of this person making advances towards her. It felt like a direct challenge to my budding relationship, and I couldn't just stand by and let it happen. I couldn't even dare to imagine her being in a relationship with someone else, let alone losing her. The mere thought of her with someone new felt like a sharp, agonizing stab to my heart 

In that moment, my emotions got the best of me. Anger surged through my veins, and I wanted to confront the person who had crossed the line. It wasn't a side of me I was proud of, but my protective instincts kicked in, and I couldn't help but react strongly. 

Looking back, I realize that losing my temper wasn't the best way to handle the situation so I decided to calm down , apologize and then speak to Isha directly about the matter.

Vihaan's POV

The minute I learnt Meera was in the cafeteria, I immediately rushed there and found her in a corner making herself a coffee. I walked up to her and feeling a presence behind her she turned and she looked at me, but didn't say anything. I knew she was controlling her anger by her look and the way she ignored me and I wanted to change that at any cost. I started speaking "Meera look, I want to talk to you, it's important" before I could continue she cut me off and said " see Kunwar sa I am very busy and have a surgery, can't waste my time on useless things"

I felt that pang of sadness and as didn't she refer to me as Vihaan. I'm not letting her go without a talk so I said " Please Meera, it's important and it's Vihaan for you "

I knew she wanted to deny it but couldn't as everyone was looking at us and specially a guy aged around 25 or 26 was more like staring a Meera with a very different look in his eyes and it didn't settle well with me. His gaze seemed to linger a little too long, and there was an unsettling intensity in his expression that raised my concern. It was as if he had ulterior motives or was invading her personal space with his unwelcome attention.

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