Chapter 19

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The next day preparations started of in full swing, for the coronation which was day after tomorrow. In accordance to ancestral traditions all the rituals and the coronation of every crown prince were to take place in Udaigarh itself and after the coronation the kings and their family members would visit their respective kingdoms for a short duration and get back to Udaigarh for a short mandatory stay. 

The preparations kicked into high gear for the upcoming coronation, which was just two days away. The palaces and its surroundings were abuzz with activity as the grand event loomed on the horizon. Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara were supervising the whole event minus the security protocols as Ekansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh strictly said they would handle the security aspect as they were many threats and there was danger looming due to people who didn't want the coronation to take place due to various reasons. 

In the early morning, workers and artisans were already hard at work setting up the ornate stage near the temple, where the coronation ceremony would take place. Lavish decorations, including cascading flowers, shimmering drapes, and golden accents, were meticulously arranged to create a majestic backdrop.

Meanwhile, the royal designers were feverishly putting the final touches on the regal attires to be worn by the royal families. The garments were a testament to their craftsmanship, adorned with intricate embroidery and embellished with precious jewels. They looked mesmerizing and marvellous. 

The palace chefs were orchestrating a culinary masterpiece, preparing a menu for the sumptuous feast that would be savoured by the dignitaries and esteemed guests attending the coronation. The tantalizing aromas of the dishes filled the air, foreshadowing a banquet fit for royalty.

As the day progressed, the excitement in Udaigarh, and their kingdoms at large was palpable. The citizens who were already present in the village due to the ancestral pooja, were busy with their own preparations, whereas the citizens who couldn't make it to Udaigarh, back in their villages were adorning their homes with flags and banners, and prepping their finest attire in anticipation to welcome their new king who would take care of them and protect them.

The next day, i.e. day before the coronation Isha, Meera, Sanvi and Ara woke up early in the morning, though they were all tired and stressed due to yesterday's work load. They quickly got ready and came down to the garden dressed in anarkalis to find their family already seated at the dinning table waiting for them. 

"Finally my little princesses are here" said Abhiraj.

Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara pass a slight smile and take their seats.

"What happened?, you guys look tired" Abhijeet asked with concern.

"Nothing dadu we could not get enough sleep" said Meera.

"You guys should not be over working yourself, look how exhausted all of you look" Abhimanyu said.

"Nothing to worry dadu,  we are fine" said Ara in a convincing tone 

"Where are these automatons?, why aren't they still here?" Abhinav asked. 

(Automatons - a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being)

"They haven't returned home yet, they have been working all night and completing all their work in advance as they have to take a break for attending their coronation tomorrow and they want to make sure they don't have any backlogs" said Ekansh's dad.

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