Chapter 28

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It's actually tiring to write heartbreak scenes. It took me nearly a week and a half with constant breaks to write this chapter and the few upcoming ones.

Anyway it's a really long chapter, so enjoy..

Happy reading!!!


After 3 Months

Isha's POV

It's been three months, three months of complete heartache. Either Ekansh wouldn't respond, or he would pick up my calls once in a blue moon, offering only cold and distant replies. I didn't want to come across as clingy, but the worry and restlessness were consuming me.

I spent countless nights tossing and turning, replaying our last conversations in my mind, desperately trying to find clues or reasons behind his sudden change in behaviour. The distance between us, both emotionally and physically, seemed to grow with each passing day. I missed the warmth of our connection, the laughter we shared, and the comfort of knowing he was there for me. The unanswered questions and the uncertainty were like a constant weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe.

I debated whether to confront Ekansh about my concerns or continue waiting, hoping for a change. The fear of pushing him away battled with the fear of never understanding what went wrong. It was a delicate balance between wanting closure and fearing the truth.

As the days turned into weeks and then into months, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted irreversibly. I longed for the days when our communication was effortless, when he would eagerly share his thoughts and dreams with me. Now, the silence echoed louder than any words he could have spoken.

In the midst of this emotional turmoil, I struggled to find peace. The uncertainty of our relationship cast a shadow over every aspect of my life. I knew I needed answers, but the fear of what those answers might be kept me hesitating on the edge of revelation.

The pain of unspoken words and unexplained distance became a heavy burden and I finally decided to confront the issues head-on.

Presently, I was in my cabin packing stuff to go and visit Ekansh in his office. I quickly got out of the hospital with my belongings and got into my car and drove off. I didn't tell Saanvi, Meera and Ara about it as I know they themselves have a lot going on in their lives, just like they know I'm going through something, I know it without them informing me as we have soul sister telepathy. I have grown incredibly close to them, they are always close to my heart though we haven't met even once after we got back from Rajasthan but, we are in constant touch through video calls.

After a 30 minute drive I arrived at Rajvansh group of companies. As soon as I entered the building I saw Ekansh's PA and waved at him, I recognized him as I had met him at the wedding.

I said " Good evening, is Ekansh free, Can I meet him?"

Ekansh's PA greeted me and was a little hesitant and said "Actually ma'am sir has been very busy the past few days and right now he is at a conference in the client's company"

I felt a little suspicious but nevertheless said "ok, don't disturb him and make sure he eats well and ask him to call or text me whenever he is free"

He nodded and I got out of the building but, something was not adding up as I had seen Ekansh's driver at the entrance, waiting in his Rolls Royce and I very well knew Ekansh would never drive himself to a business meeting, he would always take his driver as he could work on the way. I decided to avoid my thoughts for a while and got into my car which was parked in the reserved parking spot. I was about to drive away when I noticed a café right at the corner of the street, I decided to stop there for a while. I parked my car in a nearby street and walked to the café. I was wearing a mask and sunglasses as the official announcement of each member of the royal family was made and people would recognize me easily. Given my mood, I really didn't want any of it to happen. I entered the café and occupied the window seat. I really liked the vibe of the café and the comfort it was offering me at that moment.

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