Chapter 29

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Guys Attention 🔴, I wanted to inform you that the first chapter of my other book, WHISPERS OF THE HEART is uploaded so, please do check that out too and lemme know you're opinion. Hope 🤞you'll enjoy that book too.. 

and WHISPERS OF THE HEART  is NOT just some arranged marriage story or a normal love story, I promise it will be worth it, so do give it a try, it's a request from the bottom of my heart.... 

Anyway it's a really long chapter, so enjoy..

Happy reading!!!


After a week

Isha's POV

I tried to sort out my thoughts but, somewhere deep down knew something was going to happen and that it would break me to no extent. Exactly after a week, I tried reaching out to Ekansh, but he kept ignoring my efforts. At this point I was not even surprised by his actions, but, I had a tiny weeny bit of hope that we would go back to the time when everything was as good as it could be between us. 

Since, he was not responding I decided to take an appointment with him as the owner of RR group of hospitals as he didn't know I was the managing director . I asked my PA to contact his company and in no time she got a reply that it was scheduled tomorrow in the morning. I decided to ignore all the bad thoughts and in no time finished all the scheduled surgeries and appointments. After which, I went home and tried sleeping, note – tried as I couldn't even sleep a blink because of all the negative thoughts foreshadowing the hurt I was going to face the next day.

 In no time, my alarm rang and I saw it was already 6 AM, I didn't realize how quickly time flew by with me pondering and overthinking stuff. I immediately got out of bed and decided to get ready directly, skipping my usual routine. Within half an hour I was all ready, had a very light breakfast and got into the car and left. I decided to take the very long route to Rajvansh group of companies as the appointment is at 9:30 and currently it was only 8 AM.

At around 9:15 I arrived at his company, parked my car and got in without anyone noticing. It was still early so not many people were present, I got into the elevator and reached the topmost floor where Ekansh's cabin was present. I walked up to the receptionist and informed her about my appointment, she asked me to have a seat on the couch nearby and in the meanwhile she will inform Ekansh. I was very nervous and it felt like my heartbeat was rising rapidly as every minute was passing by. 

After 5 minutes passed by, the receptionist asked me to go in. I stood up, took a few deep breaths and knocked on his door twice to which I heard a cold "come in" . It seemed like he was in a really bad mood, but it was still start of the day and again when is he not grumpy I thought to myself and stepped in but, Ekansh hadn't looked up from his files and greeted me and asked me to take a seat.

I didn't move an inch from my place, I kept watching him more like admiring him, it felt like I had seen him an eternity ago I really did miss him. He looked up after not getting any response and shock passed through his eyes seeing me there.

He quickly looked away, after covering up his emotions he asked me "What are you doing here? "in a cold tone.

I was taken aback by his tone as he had never used that tone on me ever before even when he was really aggravated, but decided to maintain my composure and said "you decided to ignore me, so I wanted to know your reasons behind it"

He kept looking at me and said " I didn't ignore you, I have better stuff to do than spending and wasting my time with you. I have responsibilities"

I felt hurt but decided to stay calm and said "you weren't ignoring me right ? then why did you ask your PA to lie to me that you weren't present in your cabin when in reality you were there. I know you knew everything Ekansh, I just want a simple answer from you why? Why suddenly this change? Why do you have to lie to me when everything was going fine between us? " Why do you have to ruin this?" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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