Chapter 3

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It’s been three days.

Three damned days and I’m still on this fucking thing. I woke up to see the same scenario; the sun shining and me still lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I never even got a chance to see how much I got wounded, or how I currently look.

Wait let me guess, I probably look like a dead zombie with flesh and hair. I mentally chuckled at my lame guess.

“Eden?” I called out. She didn’t answer. I had been trying since the day I woke up to contact her but she never answered. I know that wolf is still alive. Well, she’ll talk when she’s ready.

My food was still on the bedside table. Damned bitch never helped me get up. This meant I hadn’t eaten for three consecutive days; and I’m not surprised because I’ve been through worse. Wonder what’s with her and her moody personality.

My stomach roared in hunger and I winced. Great! I didn’t die from rouges and I’m about to die from hunger.

Isn’t that just great!

I was desperate for food so I reached for it and believe it or not I moved.  Ha ha it moved. Someone praise the lord. This girl is back on her feet.

Holdup what if I’m seeing things?

Just to make sure, I pinched myself. Hard. And when I opened my eyes, I was still moving. With great effort, I swung my legs to the edge of the bed and stood up. As soon as I did that, my face made contact with the floor. I hadn’t even realized how weak my legs were until that happened.

After standing up, which took like forever, I trudged my way into the attached bathroom. It had a shower, a toilet, a sink… basically everything that should be in a bathroom. After admiring the bathroom, I did the most obvious thing. Brushing my teeth for a long twenty minutes of course.

After making sure that my teeth was pearly white, I washed my face and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My face was deathly pale and my hair was sticking out in all directions.

Cutting the description short, I looked like a victim of an elephant stampede.

I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I scrubbed myself from head to toe for a good forty-five minutes. After making sure that I looked and smelt like a proper human being or werewolf- whichever one, I stepped out of the bathroom, clad in towel. I took appropriate care of myself using the provided toiletries.

Looking at myself in the mirror once again, my complexion was back to normal and at least I didn’t look or feel like a zombie. My once disheveled hair was back to falling to my waist, going down in loose waves. That was one thing that I loved about my hair.  My golden hazel brown eyes complimented my hair and my skin was alight tan which added to my beauty. I felt beautiful outside but not inside.

I felt scarred, lonely and ugly inside.

After I was done prepping myself, I started rummaging through closets and praying that there were some decent clothes in there because I was so NOT planning to wear the clothes that I wore when I got here.

I finally found what I was looking for in the closet. A long sleeved shirt, leggings and underwear huh? Looks like she knew that I was going to be able to move sooner or later. I wore the provided clothes and fortunately, they were comfortable enough. I let my hair flow down to my waist and went towards the door.

I slowly opened the door and peeked out to see an empty hallway that was stylishly made out of wood. The house was eerily silent which made me wonder where Nalia had gone. She must probably out on a job or something. I cautiously stepped out, hoping not to make any noise.

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