Chapter twenty-six

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I am alive! Love you guys x 

Love was not something Bonnie saw often. She tried to find it in the small moments between strangers in her work that sat more close together than others, or couples on the street whose attached hands swung between them. She looked for it in the smiles of woman with longing eyes and the blushes of men that had been complimented, but she very rarely saw it.

It felt as though she'd been waiting years to witness a true moment, one like she had felt when she was a child with the girls she referred to as sisters —that love she knew was real. Not romantic, but more grounding than anything she had felt before. After so much time it was natural to believe that perhaps it wasn't something so easily found like the thousands of books would have her believe, maybe it was just something invented to make people believe in more than themselves or be happy with a life not truly fulfilled. She had come to terms with that in a way, even when her heart thudded at the brush of skin by a certain dark haired man, she never truly thought that her view would change.

But as Gremory's figure rushed into the darkness, colliding with the person who had just stepped out...

She understood.

She knew what poets meant when they described the way someones eyes shone as they gazed upon their person. She could feel the air move with the two of them as their arms wrapped around eachother, their choked breaths shaking her bones and making her unable to move. It was in delicate touch of their fingertips as they shakily skimmed one anothers features, disbelief and astonishment chuckling from their lungs.

Her eyes turned misty as Gremory's sobbed, his lips releasing the others with a laugh as their foreheads pressed against one another, a wave of relief washing over both of their scrunched limbs.

It knocked the breath from her. It was so beautiful that she didn't dare come closer, didn't dare interupt something so pure. So perfect.

A warmth spread over to her, so different form the dark clouds above them that roared with thunder. Even as tiny droplets of rain began to fall onto her cheeks, she wasn't cold. There was magic here, more than daemons and gods could conjure. Her soul blossomed inside of her as she watched her friends smile widen.

Even Kimaris had stopped running forward, giving the two men time to bask in one anothers presence and let their tears flow. He glanced over his shoulder at her, and had she not known it was raining, she might have believed their were tears slipping from his eyes. The gentle bend of his lips made her own smile widen, and her hand raised the tiniest fraction before she remembered the rules.

They couldn't touch.

Kimaris broke their eye contact with a downturn of his brows and he began to walk forward towards the blubbering couple whose lips had found one another again. Bonnie followed a few steps behind, ears prickling with words as they got closer.

"I do not know how this has happened or whether I have finally lost my mind," The voice cried out, hands pressing into Gremory's cheeks.

"I am here, this isn't a trick I swear to you. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long—"

"Hush, do not dare. I do not know how you have beaten gods and banishments but you cannot apologise for it when you have defied the very rules of our kind to be here. I won't allow it."

"I promised you I would find a way," Gremory's voice shook as he brought the others fingers to his lips. "My life would not continue until I did. I swear I have tried every moment—."

"I know, my soul, I know. Do not fret," He pressed a hand into Gremory's hair. "I knew the minute we touched, do not forget what I feel."

"I suppose I'll change my mind on the reunion hug after being reminded of that. And while you're at it do you think you could turn off the music."

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