Chapter twenty - nine

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AN:// Hello friends! This is the final chapter of Book 1 of the Aeon of Daemons series - the Age of Aquarius! I really hope you've enjoyed, if you've made it this far thank you so much and I know there's a lot of editing to do on this so thank you for sticking with it! I'm expecting this to be at least a duology, maybe a trilogy, depending on where the writing takes me, but it won't be started for a little while as I have a different series sequel that I'm working on at the moment! Big love to you all and thank you so much for reading!


Chapter 29

Bonnie's heart had not left her throat in the hours that passed.

Perhaps she could blame it for the silence that had consumed the three of them since the summoning had ended. Maybe it could be the reason why her stomach was in a knot and her hands had not stopped shaking, even underneath the warm water she was now standing below.

Gremory had been soft with her, although barely able to speak, he had wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her to a taxi which she did not remember being called, but then again she didn't know how long she had sat there for. As they'd reached the small B&B, he'd shown her to her room and laid a towel out beside the bath, his usual smile strained as he nodded before leaving.

She had wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. How could she possibly when she barely understood the truth herself?

But Kimaris... Kimaris could have been mistaken for the shadow itself.

He released her from his arms before she even had time to take a breath, and after that it was as if she did not exist. He sat in the car's front, head turned out the window, and it was then she wondered if daemons had to breathe. She had never seen something so still.

He'd disappeared by the time she had exited the car—his feet on the ground before the vehicle had stopped moving—and when Gremory had only shaken his head, the feeling inside of her twisted more.

Her hand slammed onto the shower wall as pain licked her ankle, bringing back the memories that had almost dragged her to the depths of god knows where. Her frayed skin made her teeth grit, and she held out her arms to get it all over with at once. As mud, gravel, blood and tears, slipped down the drain, Bonnie tried to squeeze the despair she felt in her chest until she could breathe again, but it refused.

His laughter kept ringing in her ears; the way it had frozen her right down to the bone. She did not know who he was, but it was as though her soul did. And he had known her name.

That scared her even more.

She gave herself a moment before stepping out the shower and wrapping the towel around her, the lack of noise now making the room eerily silent. She swiped an arm over the mirror, clearing the condensation to reveal her pale and frightened face.

How had he known?

She shook her head, quickly turning from her reflection and throwing the bathroom door open, determined to not think of what had happened.

But the figure in the corner of her room had other ideas.

She felt the blood drain from her as she spotted their hunched shoulders, shaking hands clinging to the object in them. She could not see what it was, but their attention seemed to be only on it.

The thought to go back into the bathroom crossed her mind, but she knew he had heard her come out. So, instead she stepped towards him, her tongue heavy as she thought of what to say. She wanted to thank him for saving her life first and foremost, but she did not know if he wanted to hear it. From the way he had been, she wondered if he regretted it.

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