8. Peverell Mansion

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Errikos apparated the boys home which made them feel really ill but it was the quickest way home and plus he would have to key them into the wards so they could come and go when they pleased when they were older, he hoped much much older he didn't want to lose his little boys just yet

Len promptly threw up crying while Kam he looked ready to pass out from it all, Errikos sat on the floor and waited for them to feel better Tit and Tat waited for them in the corner of the room

Once feeling better Errikos got up and thanked his two house elves for cleaning up the mess before he keyed the two boys into the wards

"Papa I didn't like that at all!" the boys complained to him

"I know I know boys but it was the quickest way home now let's get you two into the bath and into bed it's been a really long day for the pair of you, tomorrow I'll show you around the manor ok" he brought the boys upto the bathroom so he could help them wash and then put them to bed afterwards

It's only took 3 bath fulls each before they were clean he was going to knock that orphanage down at some point.... or better yet buy it out and fire the matron then and there, that seemed like a plan

A very good plan.....

The Peverell family was very well known in the Magical World after all so he could claim it as a somewhat of a side project to understand the Muggle World and as he helped two Magical children from that place he could help even more children.....

He could open a school of sorts to help those children understand their Magical Gifts, get them away from their abusers

Yes he liked this plan and in his head he was going to do it

He put them into there PJ's and carried them off to bed

"My room is right across from this one ok so if you wake up you don't have to worry, I'll also tell Tit and Tat to keep an eye on you as well" but he was talking to two asleep boys he just sighed and placed them into their beds covering them up and finally kissing their head

"Sweet dreams by precious boys remember papa loves you" and he left the room leaving it open

He went to his study and this was where he finally looked at what he had been putting off all day long as well as keeping his temper in check after his 5th year well.....

He had one explosive temper as he had destroyed Dumbles office at the age of 15 he didn't want to destroy the mansion and scare the boys upstairs

He took a look at the parchment

Galen Thomas Peverell
(Tom Marvolo Snape-Riddle)

Age 0-1: no illnesses

Age 1-2: beaten with belt, hit with a whip, kicked punched, malnourished, dehydrated

Age 2-3: broken left arm, beaten, bruised, malnourished, dehydrated, black eye, cut lip

Age 3-4: broken ankle, dislocated shoulder, broken collar bone, malnourished, dehydrated, hit with a whip, beaten bruised

Age 4-5: malnourished, dehydrated, black eye, Exorcism, beaten, hit with belt and whip, broken ribs, broken fingers on left hand, left out in the cold

Kamari Severus Peverell
(Severus Tobias Snape-Riddle)

Age 0-1: cold, tonsillitis

Age 1-2: beaten with belt, hit with a whip, kicked punched, malnourished, dehydrated, dragged by hair

Age 2-3: broken right ankle, beaten, bruised, malnourished, dehydrated, black eye, cut lip, flu not treated, lung infection not treated

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