18. Family Day Out

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🎅🤶☃️⛄ I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year 🎅🤶☃️⛄
have a great time with family and friends
we'll see you next year

Sumire and Otiz

Errikos had everything planned out he knew he did but why did he have such a feeling that he was yet again going to meet someone from his own time line again whenever he headed to Diagon Alley or somewhere he had no clue but knowing Verjo he would be meeting that person

Twice he had gone to Diagon Alley and twice he saw people he knew from his past/future he didn't know what it was but he swore Verjo as well as Fate and Destiny were yet again having a blast at his life turning upside down, he would swear black and blue that was the reason

He sighed and got ready for the day he couldn't wait to take the boys out into the spring weather he had thought long and hard over this and the boys had spent the time since October in the Wizarding World this time it was time for something Muggle and he knew just what it was going to be

He looked at the letter sitting on his desk and smiled Neville, Luna and Remus were going to come along as well and he had promised the two that they would be very safe and nothing would come to harm them or their son, he didn't even want his sons out there but he wanted them to learn about the Muggles and he so wanted to go back to the zoo and so they were heading to the zoo

Solomon slivered into the room humming about happy hatchlings as they ate their breakfast which he had taken some from

"You do know eating waffles will make you ill right?" said Errikos as he watched his familiar climb up and into his hair

"And hatchlings give and I take" hissed the snake

"Yeah yeah and what do you give them?"

"Protection after all I am a basilisk so anyone hurt my hatchlings and I will bite"

"Ok ok enough with talking murder so early in the morning are you coming along with us later or are you going to pout here?"

"I will come"

Soon he was downstairs and watched his boys chat away as they ate Errikos was in love with them in just a few short months the boys had really come out of their shells

It was a few hours later and they were just eating on Neville, Luna and little Remus who was still very shy but with the help of the twins he was coming more and more confident which was lovely to watch

They soon all came and Errikos held up a feather.... a port key to there destination that he had made sometimes he loved being the Master of Death mind you his friends didn't care about that he had explained about it and of course Neville was shocked but Luna being Luna just nodded and smiled in her own way

They ended up at London Zoo the group were shocked they had never been to anywhere like this before

"We're here to spend the day look and learn about the animals that the Muggles have sadly they don't ave a magical area so all Muggle" said Errikos to the group as he paid for the tickets and making sure the twins didn't run off in different directions

"So a Muggle outing? I've never been to anywhere like this gran wouldn't let me and uncle Argie would most likely kill me for it" explained Neville

"Daddy along with me would explore the world looking for different creatures" said Luna

"Every true but I want the boys to learn about both sides so then there is no discrimination when they are old enough to go to Hogwarts plus this is only me second time at a zoo as I was dragged along on my cousin's birthday before starting Hogwarts, plus I did set a snake on him... my accident that is"

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