13. History and the Tree

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The twins had had enough being indoors they wanted to get out but Errikos was busy and Auntie Luna weren't there and their papa said that in the new year they would be having something called tutors over to teach them.... whatever but first things first.....

...... Christmas!

Yes the boys knew about it but never got to celebrate the holiday as the bullies at the orphanage would lock them outside in the cold why the others enjoyed what Christmas they had even if it was hardly nothing it was at least something for the orphans to enjoy

"Galen I'm bored~" whined Kam to him and it was a first for his little brother to call him by his full name

"Kam I know I'm bored as well and papa isn't here I think he's in his office working but he told us only to come if it was important" he put his book down bored as well

"Let's go tell him we're bored and want him" said the slightly younger boy opening the door to the play room and running out

"Kamari!! no don't we don't know what will happen" he ran after his brother scared they had never gone into Errikos' office before this was going into the unknown, even though he was older by a few minutes to hours, he didn't know which, he was still the older brother here

Kam was already knocking on the door and opened it before saying it was ok to come in "papa...."

Errikos was busy writing and kinda jumped at Sam's hyperactive voice from the door, he looked up glaring until he saw who it was well... who they were really

"Boys what can I do for you? I'm kind of busy at the moment"

"Papa we're bored" said Kam the boy was really coming out of his shell and it appeared that he was going to be the hyper little brother

"And why are you bored Kamari?"

"Nothing to do and and we wanna go out and play!" said the little boy

"Well I've finished my work how about your get your winter cloaks and we'll go to Diagon Alley to look at the Christmas and Yule decorations, Christmas is what the Muggles celebrate while we witches and wizards celebrate Yule"

"What's Yule?" both boys asked and this made Errikos smile

"Come here boys and I'll tell you ok" they came over and let them sit on his lap

"Well boys we decorate an oak log with pine cones, dried berries, cinnamon sticks, Holly and mistletoe and place it in our fire place or we'll do it outside it doesn't matter which to be honest, as the log or Yule log burns it becomes an symbolic ritual to release the past and banish the negative energy that you don't want to follow you into the new year, meaning we start of with a clean slate

We will eat good hearty food and save some for the gods and goddesses that protect us, we will each then bless people that we are lost over the years and welcome he new into our hearts and home

*A little history here ok boys not to make it so complicated, Yule has been on the calendars for centuries and first celebrated in the 5th century meaning a really long time ago ok by the Germanic pagans as a midwinter festival to stave off the dark and cold and to prepare for the long winter still to come

Farmers and the locals would assemble at the heathen temple, bringing food, ale and livestock to be sacrificed..."

"Wow so long ago" the boys said together

"Yes and we celebrate it to also renew our magic as well and to keep up happy and healthy but you two are also special as you both have a birthday as well"

"Yay Christmas and birthday!" the two bounced around

"Ok boys go and get ready and we'll head out to Diagon Alley to get some things for Yule I know Tit and Ta can do it but I would love if you two would help me pick things out" he watched the boys run out before he could say anymore

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