28. Abraxas & Gringotts

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Abraxas sighed as he left his office after the picnic Lucius was playing in the playroom was perfect if he could say so, he looked at his green mark and sighed he was a sub... Lord Malfoy was a sub he was so embarrassed with it all he saw the names and when he thought about it Malfoy and Black were big on money and politics as well and adding the families together would be a match made in heaven the power that would come out with those two Houses would be unreal but add in the most powerful House around....

The Peverell name was almost 1100 years old and it's the oldest House out there and combining that with the Black and Malfoy Houses... well he was shocked that magic was bringing the three together

"Little spark come on we're going out I want to spend time together ok just me and you but you have to promise to behave at the bank and then we will get ice cream and maybe some chocolate frogs sound good?"

"Can I get mint and vanilla?"

"Yes but only if you're good for me in the bank ok"

"If I'm extra good can I have two chocolate frogs?"

"Ah wonderful negotiations of a Slytherin I see, cute mister you're almost 12 but I would if given you them if you have been good any way so lets go to the floo and go from there" he held his hand out and the headed off to Gringotts

They arrived after walking out of the Leaky Cauldron Lucius had his hand over his nose as he didn't like the smell all that much Abraxas apodised to Tom the keeper about what Lucius had done and was soon out of there and in Gringotts

He waited in line holding Lucius' hand as he chatted away about nothing of importance but he did asked about spending time with Len and Kam they had been drawing pictures to each other about what they had seen over the week it was a good way to stay in touch in Abraxas' eyes if he wanted his son to have some friends

Once in the front he asked for the goblin in charge of his accounts and Hookfang was summoned and he was brought to a side room and once seated and Lucius working on an activity book that Abraxas managed to hide away until now to keep the child entertained for a while

"Lord Malfoy what do I owe this pleasure and the child?"

"Sir Goblin I've come here because my late wife suggested that I come here due to having the bonding marks of not one but two people, it seems that I am the sub of the relationship and it appears that Lord Peverell and Lord Black are my mates but I'm not 100% sure about it all from what Farrah said that it was a marriage of politics and not a marriage of love it kind of hurt but I can see that I was in love with her as a friend but not in love with her I just want to make sure if it's true"

"Ah well to be honest mating bonding marks are what magic intended for your partners and going about it sadly will have your magic lash out at the other person and will sadly kill them just like your late wife sadly, your magic accepted her for the time being but magic knew she wasn't a complete match for you but gave you enough time to find your match and it appears you have and what position you will be in as you know black is dominant, blue is the switch that will only be submissive to the dominant but will be dominant to the submissive, green is the submissive of the group

You and the late Lady Malfoy were a switch that was more submissive and a submissive so it would of never have worked out but there was nothing we could of done you had 5 wonderful years together and you have a wonderful son after all to bad she had to leave when she did when young Heir Malfoy was only a toddler, we here at Gringotts are sorry for your loss"

"What can I do to make sure that what is written on my arm is true" asked Abraxas a little worried about the out come he looked at Lucius he was colouring away happy holding his snake plushie close

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