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Meanwhile, Peter is oblivious to Olivia's anxiety. He's been busy with school and work, and he hasn't had a chance to check his phone. When he finally has a moment to himself, he sees that he has a dozen missed calls and text messages from Olivia. He feels terrible when he realizes how long it's been since he last talked to her. He quickly sends her a text, apologizing profusely and explaining the situation. He hopes that she'll understand, but he can't help but feel nervous.

Olivia is fuming when she sees Peter's text. She's not buying his excuses, and she's convinced that he's ignoring her on purpose. She's hurt and confused, and she can't bring herself to respond. She turns off her phone and tries to distract herself with her favorite TV show. But no matter what she does, she can't stop thinking about Peter and the unanswered questions swirling in her head. She feels like she's at a loss for what to do next.

Olivia is fuming when she sees Peter's text. She's not buying his excuses, and she's convinced that he's ignoring her on purpose. She's hurt and confused, and she can't bring herself to respond. She turns off her phone and tries to distract herself with her favorite TV show. But no matter what she does, she can't stop thinking about Peter and the unanswered questions swirling in her head. She feels like she's at a loss for what to do next.

Two days turn into a week, and still Peter hasn't heard from Olivia. He's left more messages and sent more texts, but she hasn't responded. He's starting to feel desperate, and he's not sure what to do. He starts to worry that he's lost her, and he can't shake the feeling of dread in his stomach. He doesn't know how to fix things, and he feels like he's running out of options. He's never felt this anxious or alone before, and he doesn't know how to make it stop.

The weeks go by, and Peter and Olivia are officially in a stand-off. They haven't spoken to each other in over a month, and they're both miserable. Peter can't eat or sleep, and he feels like his life is falling apart. Olivia is no better off, and she feels like she's lost the most important person in her life. Their friends are concerned, and they try to get the two of them to talk, but to no avail. It's as if they're stuck in a stalemate, neither one willing to make the first move.

Peter and Olivia in a bit of a standoff. But instead of weeks going by without them speaking, let's imagine they bump into each other the next day, in the library. They both look up from their books at the same time, and their eyes meet. There's an awkward silence as they stare at each other. Peter breaks the silence first. "Olivia..." he says tentatively. "I... I need to talk to you."

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