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It seemed like everyone was talking about Olivia and Bryan. They were the new "it" couple, and everyone was obsessed with their story. Peter felt like he was being replaced, and it was a painful feeling. He tried to avoid hearing about them, but it was impossible. Everywhere he went, people were talking about them. He felt like he couldn't escape it, and it was driving him crazy.

One day, Peter was in the cafeteria, trying to eat lunch. But as soon as he sat down, he heard people talking about Olivia and Bryan again. He tried to tune them out, but he couldn't. And then, out of nowhere, he heard a voice say, "What's the big deal about them, anyway?" Peter looked up, and saw that it was Beth, his friend. She was looking at the group who was gossiping, and she looked annoyed. "I don't get it," she said. "They're just a couple, like any other couple."

The group turned to look at Beth, a little surprised by her reaction. "But they're so perfect together," one of them said. "It's like they're meant to be." Beth rolled her eyes. "So what?" she said. "They're just two people who like each other. They're not special just because everyone says they are." The group looked at each other, a little unsure of what to say. But Peter felt a wave of relief wash over him. Finally, someone was speaking sense.

"Beth is right," Peter said, his voice quiet but firm. "They're not special just because everyone says they are. They're just two people." The group turned to look at him, a little surprised. But they didn't argue. Instead, they just went back to eating their lunch. But Beth smiled at Peter, and he smiled back. In that moment, he felt like maybe he wasn't alone. Maybe there were others who saw the world the way he did. And that thought gave him some comfort.

After that, Peter started spending more time with Beth. They talked about all sorts of things, and they shared a lot of the same views. They both felt like they were different from everyone else, and they liked that about each other. It was nice to have someone who understood him, someone who didn't care about the latest gossip or fads. And Beth felt the same way. It was like they were kindred spirits, two people who just got each other.

While Peter and Beth were getting closer, Beth's boyfriend, James, was feeling left out. He could tell that she was spending less time with him, and more time with Peter. And he didn't like it. He felt like he was losing her, and he didn't know what to do about it. He tried to talk to her about it, but she just brushed him off. "You're overreacting," she said. "We're still together, it's not a big deal." But for James, it was a big deal.

Rumors started swirling around the school about Olivia and Bryan's fight. No one knew exactly what happened, but everyone had their own theories. Some said they got into an argument about grades, others said it was about a friend they both had a crush on. But no one knew the truth. And even though they were curious, most people were too afraid to ask Olivia or Bryan about it. They didn't want to get involved in something that wasn't their business.

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