Drifting Apart

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James, Brandon, and Beth were all there for Peter. They knew how much the breakup had hurt him, and they did their best to be supportive. They invited him to hang out with them, and they talked to him about what he was going through. Peter appreciated their support, but it was still hard. He couldn't help but wonder if things could have been different. What if he had done things differently? What if he had been more attentive to Olivia's needs? What if he had been more open with her?

As time went on, Peter tried to move on. He started going out more and meeting new people. But no matter what he did, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew that something was off. He still thought about Olivia all the time. He couldn't stop wondering if they could have worked things out. He even considered reaching out to her, but he didn't know what he would say. What could he possibly say that would make a difference?

The gossip mill was going into overdrive, and Peter started to hear all about Olivia's new boyfriend. He was popular, outgoing, and good-looking. He was everything that Peter wasn't. And that just made Peter feel even worse. It seemed like everyone thought that this new guy was a much better match for Olivia. It was as if everyone was saying that Peter was never good enough for her in the first place. That thought stung more than anything else.

One day, Peter was walking down the hall when he saw Olivia and her new boyfriend. They were laughing and joking around, and they looked so happy together. Peter felt a pang of jealousy. He hated feeling that way, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to be the one making Olivia laugh like that. He wanted to be the one she was spending time with. But he knew that he couldn't be. So he just kept walking, head down, feeling defeated.
Later that day, Peter was sitting alone in the library, trying to study. But he couldn't focus. All he could think about was Olivia and her new boyfriend. He felt like he was losing her forever. And then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone sit down across from him. He looked up, and to his surprise, it was Olivia. She looked at him, her eyes full of concern. "I saw you walking down the hall earlier," she said. "You looked upset. What's going on?"

Without saying a word, Peter stood up and walked away. He didn't want to talk to Olivia, not when he was feeling like this. He didn't want to burden her with his feelings, or make her feel bad for being happy. He just wanted to be alone. So he left the library and went for a walk, trying to clear his head. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling of heartbreak and loss.

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