Movie night

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<America pov>

After dinner and stopping the gun fight, I got all the States into the large living room to watch a movie. The movie chosen was Grease, and I expect everyone to fall asleep during the movie (except New York). Me and Dixie are in the kitchen making popcorn for everyone. Im looking for our bowls while Dixie is poring pop corn kernels into his pot.

"Ame?" He asks, getting my attention

"Yeah?" I respond while I pull out multiple bowls

"Say, the country's find out about the states. What do we do?" Dixie questioned. I paused. "Whould they see em as a threat?"

"No - of course not their states-! They all look like children!" I praticly shout."Sorry." I apologized

"You're fine. I just - they have hurt them before without even knowing of them think of what could happen if they knew." Dixie murmured. I sigh.

"I know." I replied,"but I don't wanna scare them." Dixie smiled at me.

"You never have." Dixie added. "Now this popcorn looks mighty fine. Let's start gettin it in bowls!"

We handed out popcorn to everyone and watched the movie. Thankfully, the pop corn was able to keep everyone stable, so we had about no fights (just one close call with North and South Carolina)
At the end of the movie, as I expected, everyone was asleep, but New York, who was curled up beside me.

"Just us two left as I expected." I whisper to him. He smiled

"As always." He whispered back a grin on his face. I put my tired arm around his shoulders, and he leaned into me. We sat like that for a second until he asked, "Dad, do you think they will hurt me again?"

"Where did you get that idea?" I ask in a hushed voice

"When word got around, Virginia told me she wasn't gonna let anything happen to either of us and proceeded to tell me her plans of destruction." New York answered. Virginia and New York have been on good terms most of the time, but after September 11th, they talked every day and were attached at the hip.  I nodded and then hugged the boy tight. "I-Im scared." New York confessed

"I know we all are." I replied

"The original 13 are all mad and scared." New York muttered. I sigh, knowing how hard it's been for them.

"You should try to sleep." I say changing the subject. New York sighed and stopped hugging me to get comfy on the couch.

"You should too, dad." New York whispers.

"I will." I promise. New York smiled at me one last time before closing his eyes.

I lean back and close my own eyes.

The states will be fine Dixies here, and I can keep them safe. I will keep them safe.

My mind wonders, and eventually, I drift off to a much needed sleep.

486 words

50 kids and A Oil addict Dad!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu