Brotherly love/comfort

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<America pov>

My brother hasn't left his room for about 2 days. It's starting to worry me as he's pretty outgoing. Well sometimes. He's taken days to rest and such before but had always let me know beforehand.

So what any concerned brother would do? I told Delaware to make food and went to my brother's room.

I knocked and heard a tiny shuffle from inside.

"Dixie?" I shouted. The door opened to show my brother. My brother, who was a total mess. His cowboy hat was missing, so his red curly hair was all out and about and tangled up. He had big bags under his eyes that clearly showed he hadn't been sleeping. His clothes were messy, as well. His jacket was gone, so he only had his light yellow Long sleeved shirt on. His belt was loose, so his pants were baggy, and his shirt untucked.

"Union..." he muttered back.

"Let's go in your room..." I said as I entered his room, grabbing his arm, closing the door, and heading toward his messy bed. I sat us down and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's stupid." He replied

"I don't care. Tell me." I responded

"Well, I had a dream." Confederate started

"A dream or a nightmare?" I inquired

"Nightmare..." Dixie whispered. I sighed and put my hand on his.

"What happened?"

"It...It was a flashback of a time during the Civil War..." Dixie explained "when I beat North Carolina with a fork and locked Georgia in the basement."

I held his hand and said, "You weren't thinking right it's not your fault. Your people you represented were so mad it messed with your head."

"I know it just... I remember it all, and it hurts living with that." Dixie replied."It hurts me that i hurt them! I love them all so much, and I can't believe I did so much to cause them pain."

"Dix you've also helped them so much to redeem yourself, both world wars when I had to leave you were there for them all, and during Hawaiis time in the hospital you were there when I wasn't. You were with New York and Virginia after September 11th. You stayed with them when I went to the Middle East to fight."

"But Union, I made an impact on them that won't be ever reversed." He argued

"Yeah, you're right. You are there, awesome uncle. If I did what you traditionally do in Civil Wars and killed you, it would be so much different, and I mean for the worst." I pressed.

South side and looked down. "I left scars."

"I left scars on you too. Let's not forget that." I started."And the same goes for me and Britain."

"You were defending yourself." Dixie replied

"As if I was under a gaze of hatred too. Accept it." I responded with a glare. Dixie sighed, then leaned on me heavily.

"Ok, I'm going to sleep." He replied with a sigh

"What have you been doing in here if you weren't sleeping?" I questioned

"Trying not to sleep." Confederate smiled

"Touchè." I responded then got up to leave to give my brother some peace to sleep. "Love you goodnight, sleeping beauty!"

"Love you too, goodnight!" Dixie laughed.

I closed his door and then headed downstairs to make breakfast.

I'm so sorry about how short this chapter is. I just wanted to get this out, and it's Christmas, so
575 words

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