Hola Mi Amigo

416 15 34

I was holding back a bit in my knowledge of southern accents as I have one myself. That I hold back.

Proud Alabamian Rightchere, y'all

<Mexico pov>

The house in the distance was massive.

We had finally arrived after stopping at many MANY gas stations to get American snacks and us being fools.

"Holy shit!" I cursed

"That's one big house." Brazil commented.

"The madre of all houses." I added with a laugh. We parked and went up to the doors. We then knocked.

"I swear to God Idaho if you locked yourself out again -" an older looking girl was ranting before she opened the door fully and saw us. "God damn it - DAD!" She exclaimed before adding."Come in, I'm Pennsylvania."

"Hi Pennsylvania, is America here?" Brazil questioned

"Yes- DAD!" She shouted.

"What?!" America started before seeing us. "Oh, hello, Mexico and Brazil." America greeted.

"You're one of his kids!?" I exclaimed

"Yup, one of the original 13 too!" Pennsylvania nodded.

"Real quick, you two come with me." America said as he gestured for us to follow. We did, and he brought us into an office. "I'm giving you the sane rules as everyone else.

1. All the states have trauma from the past. Some may be scared or mad at you, Mexico.

2. Don't be disrespectful. If you do something to one of them, the rest will not hesitate to attack you.

3. Don't enter any of their rooms and be very aware of your surroundings

4. Don't bring up the Civil War. It's a touchy topic unless Dixie or one of the southern states brings it up first."

"America, the land you got from me, are they states?" I questioned

"Yes. Some of them do not like you, though, and some want to meet you." America replied.

"What countries are here?" Brazil asked

"Well, Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia." America supplied

"Oh, who's Dixie?" I inquired

"Do you remember Confederate?" He asked.

"NO WAY!- I thought you killed him!" I exclaimed

"Who's that," Brazil muttered

"He's my brother, and no, I didn't ill explain more later." America responded quickly "Mexico do you remember Texas?"

"Coahuila y Texas?" I questioned

"Yes." America confirmed

"What about him."

"He's personified for one and not the most find if meeting you. So I advise you to stay away until he talks to you." America explained. Wow.

"Okay." I said as America opened the door.

"You guys go look around, do whatever, I'll have Delaware show you where your rooms are later." America stated as everyone exited the office.

<Texas pov>

"Tex!" Florida exclaimed, followed by Pennsylvania.

"Yeah?" I questioned

"There's new countries!" Florida informed

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