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<Arizona pov>

"Ok so, Nevada will start the timer as soon as I say go," Washington state started "whoever gets to the kitchen first wins, New Mexico is there to be the judge of who gets there first and will shout for Nevada to stop the timer."

"You're gonna lose so badly." Colorado grinned

"We'll have to see!" I replied. The starting point was at the end of the main hall and in two minutes it will be time for breakfast so lots of people will be going down this hall destination being the same place as me and Colorado, the kitchen or nire specifically the dining room. One difference is that we are running.

Then a clock chimed it was time for breakfast. Many people came out of their rooms.

"Ok!" Washington shouted."Get ready! Get set....GO!" We both took off dodging other states and countries. Once we were at the staircase, we sped down. I was a foot ahead, and as soon as my foot was off the stairs, I put all my energy into running. I was now more ahead of Washington and close to the kitchen. I dashed into the kitchen.

New Mexico screamed, "DONE!" Instantly.

"Nooooo!" Washington whined

"Yes!" I exclaimed

"Another race?" Dad questioned as he took dishes to the table that was now filling in.

"Yup and I, of course, won!" I answered

"By sheer luck!" Washington spat back.

"A minute and thirty-two seconds!" Nevada exclaimed as he sat by me.

"What was my best?" I inquired

"If I can recall it right....51 seconds?" Nevada answered. I nodded and then started to fill my plate.

"Dad, where's Dixie?" Georgia asked, her voice rising above the numerous conversations.

"Oh, he's sleeping in today." Dad answered.

"Ok... but I haven't seen him for a bit." Georgia replied. America sighed and then started to eat once more, ending the conversation.

"Oh America, when's the UN meeting?" UK suddenly asked.

"Uh, I haven't been told. I'll give him a call later." America replied

"Wait, pa what meetin?" Texas questioned

"UN wants to have a meeting about you guys." Dad explained

"Can we come!?" Delaware asked,"or more importantly, ME!?"

"We'll see." Dad said as Delaware put their hands up, I excitement.

"Why do you even want to go, Del? Those meetings are boring." Wisconsin inquired

"Because I'm the oldest and need to take responsibility. I'll get to sit by Dad and look all cool." Delaware exclaimed. Dad sighed in amusement.

<America pov>

After breakfast, I went to my room. I had to call UN at some point today, but I really didn't have the motivation nor energy to talk to him.

I've honestly been missing my mother lately. With all that's going on, I haven't visited her grave for a bit. I like to keep it clean and put new flowers. Her body isn't actually there, but she was buried in the vicinity. There is a large tree by her gravestone, and she is buried in the tree as it is part of their traditions.

When everyone goes home, I may take me, Dixie, and the states out there to spend a day with her. It'd be nice.

I sighed, then walked to my door and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and got sweet tea. Dixie is the one who really loves sweet tea in the house, along with all of the South quite liking it. I liked anything they did. I leaned against the counter.

Then Britain walked in. I smiled at him, and he returned it. He went to make himself tea (the type of tea he liked)

"How have you been?" He asked me

"Eh, I'm getting by." I replied with a laugh

"Aren't we all." He laughed with me. "I don't understand how you lot drink tea cold."

"It's not too bad." I replied, then took a sip.

He shrugged. "seems ungainly to me."

"Hello?" I heard UN ask through the phone.

"Hey, it's America me and some other countries are wondering when the meeting is and where?"

"Oh yes, let's have it in Berlin? In 4 days?" UN offered

"Sounds good." I replied

"I'll send out an email with more information, United States of America. I do now have to go. I have some unfinished work."

"Okay, thank you, UN." I said, then he hung up. Why does he have to use my full name every time he speaks to me like I get he's my boss, but it's so uncomfortable. I sighed and then exited my office.

"So what's the verdict?" Confederate inquired. I smiled when I saw him. I'm glad he's out of his room.

"Waiting on an email." I replied. Dixie hummed in acknowledgment

"I figured." Confed nodded.

"You sure you don't need more sleep?" I questioned.

"I'm fine." Dixie answered as us two began to walk down the hall together.

"Do you think you want to get some food?" I asked.

"Maybe something small. Like toasted pecans." Dixie responded with a smile.

"Well, it's 12:42. You honestly didn't sleep in too much." I informed

"Yeah. I'm not good at sleeping in." Confederate replied. Once we got to the kitchen, Dixie went to get his toasted Pecans.

"You should go to bed early then." I started picking back up on our conversation "at like 9 or 10."

"That early?" Confederate started."What do you think I am? Hawaii?"

"I think you should take notes." I replied with a cheeky grin. Confederate made a face of fake hurt shock.

"How disrespectful!" He laughed.

"I know, I know, I'm the worst." I said, laughing along.

<Brazil pov>

"So where are we going?" I asked as Mexico sped down the rode.

"To America duh." Mexico answered

"Wait, why?" I questioned

"Did you not hear Russia?" Mexico exclaimed."Ames got a hidden house full of children! And a dude!"

"And a dude?" I inquired

"Yeah, I forgot his name." Mexico grinned

"Uhuh." I hummed

"I'm excited! Im eager to meet his hidden children!" Mexico shouted with glee. As he sped up.

"Are we not going to get a speed ticket?" I questioned

"Whatttt? Im Mexico the government can't do that!" He laughed

"They probably could." I stated. Mexico looked at me, then back at the rode. After some deep thinking, Mexicos jaw dropped

"No wayyyy dude!" Mexico whispered

Sorry for the no new chapters. Words 1070

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