01 | Sighting

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It had been 3 months since Hazel's father cheated on her mom. She was rather impressed with how her mother was handling it. Sure, she had her moments. But after going through a miscarriage and an affair in less than a year what could you expect?

Hazel was feeling more optimistic about the move than she was when her mother first said they were moving. A new start could be good for the family. In fact, Hazel was almost excited to move to Los Angeles.

Violet on the other hand was the complete opposite. No matter how much Hazel tried explaining to her that this could help the family so much, her opinion never changed. Her father was an asshole and her mother was running away from her problems.

"The light is different around here" Hazels mother said as they drove on the freeway, getting closer and closer to their destination. "Softer"

"It's called smog" Violet comments, her head leaned against the window. Hazel chuckles and shakes her head.

"You should be excited, Vi" Their father says from the front seat. "Stop sneaking cigarettes and just start taking deep breaths"

Violet ignores him and says "I need to go to the bathroom"

"We're almost there" Their father responds.

"Unless you go on the freeway and show your ass to about 100 people" Hazel says, looking at her sister playfully.

Violet smiles and replies, "I'd make a great first impression" She looks over to their father again. "Bet if baby substitute had to shit you'd find somewhere"

"Really?" Their mother calls out. "You know I hate that word unless I'm using it"

"You know I'm really glad we named you violet instead of our second choice" Their father tells her.

"Which was?" Violet asks.

"Sunshine" Their mother answers with a smile.

"I think that should've been Hazel's name. It's fitting" Violet thought out loud, looking at her twin. "Hazels pretty good too though"

Hazel and Violet got along great for the most part. Maybe it was simply the fact that they were twins, or maybe it's just coincidence that they ended up so close.

Though they weren't identical, they still had a lot of features in common. Their light brown eyes and straight brown hair was almost exactly the same. But they were still pretty easy to tell apart.

Except for some of their family members. Hazel and Violet had been switched up many times by different uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Eventually, the family arrived at the home they were looking at. Hazel had to admit, it was a nice house. It was big, lots of space, and from the looks of it was built a long time ago.

Their father rings the doorbell as their mom continuously praises the house under her breath.

Hazel had the family dog in her hold, a small white dog named Hallie.

"Don't you girls love it?" Their father asks. "It looks even better than it did online"

Hazel nods and Violet doesn't acknowledge him. She still found it hard to look at him after the affair.

"Great, so we're the Addams family now" Violet mutters. Hazel kicks her chin gently, silently telling her shut the hell up.

"Hey, come here" Their father yells rather loudly, holding up his arm and waving it towards him.

Once they walk towards him, he puts either arm around their shoulders. "Isn't this place amazing?" He rubs their arms gently.

This was her fathers way of apologizing to the twins. He would give random acts of affection, as a way to tell them he loved the twins. Hazel believed he couldn't find it in  himself to just apologize for hurting their family.

Hinges creak as someone walks towards the door from the inside. The front door opens up and reveals a woman in her late forties or early fifties with short cut red hair.

"Welcome" The lady greets the family. They all smile politely. Except for Violet, who's had a scowl painted on her face since they left their old house.

They walk into the house and Hazel thinks the house is beautiful. She doesn't really listen to what the lady, who's name was Darcy, was explaining about the house. Hazel was admiring the painted glass panels in the entrance.

"Come on, Haze, stop eye fucking the windows and follow us" Violet says quietly, gently tugging on her sisters hand.

Violet was the only person who called Hazel 'Haze'. She has since they were little. Hazel rolls her eyes and follows the family.

After a few minutes, Hallie started barking at something in the house. Deciding it would be a good excuse to leave the house tour and explore on her own, she went to find the small animal. She turned the corner and saw a flash of blonde hair leave the room.

Hazel chalked it up to just her seeing things and continued to look for Hallie. Soon, Violet approached her as well. Hallie was barking at a door under the staircase.

"What are you yapping at?" Violet asks, walking over to the dog and picking her up.

Violet put her hand on the door knob. "Should we go in here?"

"Sure" Hazel shrugs.

Violet opens the door and it reveals a small set of stairs, dimly lit by the light of the now open door.

"Must be the basement" Hazel says as she begins walking down the stairs. She made it to the bottom and saw cemet walls and floors, along with different rooms and halls. "Definitely a basement" She calls out to Violet, who was now making her way down as well.

"This place is a dump compared to the rest of the house" Violet says, looking around at her surroundings.

"Did you see that boy?" Hazel asks.

"What boy?" Violet counters. "Was he cute?"

"I dont know. All I saw was the back of his head" Hazel shrugs.

"We should get back up there before Mom starts worrying about substitute baby" Violet says as she gently picks up Hallie.

Violets nickname for the dog is substitute baby, because their mother got her right after the miscarriage. As a way to cope, Hazel assumed.

Once they make it back Hazel hears a part of a conversation between her parents and Darcy.

"Oh God, they didn't die in here or anything did they?" Their mother asks.

"Yes actually, both of them. Murder-suicide. I sold them the house too" Darcy explains quickly. Hazel looks over at Violet, who's suddenly intrigued by the conversation.

"They were just the sweetest couple. You never know, I guess" Darcy says.

"Explains why it's half the price of every house in the neighborhood, I guess" Their father says.

"I do have a mid-century ranch, but it's in the valley, and you're going to get a third of the house for twice the price" Darcy answers.

"Where'd it happen?" Violet asks Darcy, referring to the murders.

"The basement" Darcy answers, turning to look at the girls.

Great, Hazel thought, we were just standing in the place a murder happened.

Violet looked at Hazel, then back at Darcy. "We'll take it" Violet says.

Hazel nods eagerly in agreement.

Authors note ;

First chapter!!! Lmk what you think of it so farrrr

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