12 | Fluffers

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"These are the perfect pumpkins" Vivien claims as she looks at Hazel.

Hazel's hair was in a messy bun, and not one of the cute ones. Her brown hair was poking out of different places of the lazily placed hair tie.

A knock sounds at the door. "Can you go get that?" Vivien asks her daughter, earning a nod in response.

Hazel opens the door and sees two men standing. "Hello?" Hazel asks.

"Hey there, we're here to decorate the house" One of the men say. He was shorter, slight black stubble covered his chin, matching his deep black hair.

"Uh, alright" Hazel says and turns around to call out to her mother. "Did we hire people to decorate our house?"

"Oh! Let them in, let them in!" Vivien exclaims as she runs excitedly to the door.

Once the two had walked in, Ben was at the kitchen counter, pumpkin in hand.

"Making some decorations?" He asks his daughter, not bothering to look up from the table.

"Yeah, we have company now" Hazel informs him.

"Who?" Ben questions.

The three from the door walk into the kitchen, including Vivien. "We're called fluffers"

"Oh the ga-" Ben starts but quickly cuts himself off.

The dark haired man rolls his eyes slightly, "We're gay. don't lose your balls"

Ben nodded quickly.

Everyone takes a spot by the counter, a pumpkin and knife in front of them. Hazel was almost done with hers. all that was left was to cut out the mouth.

"So this is what you guys do for a living" Vivien states. "That is amazing to me, and wonderful, you know. I think style is so important"

"It's everything" The same man replies. Hazel had yet to learn their names.

The blonde man, who had yet to make a sound let out a small laugh. Hazel didn't miss the clear sarcasm in his tone.

The dark haired man had noticed as well. He looks toward the laughing man, who let's out a scoff at the eye contact.

"It's so great that I get to help you guys have the best Halloween ever" He says, still staring at his lover. "I love Halloween. So does Patrick"

Hazel had finally learned one of their names, and she couldn't help but cringe to herself as the dark haired man reached for Patrick, seeing Patrick's shoulders tense quickly.

"He loves Halloween because the bars are just awash in thinks with six packs in revealing outfits" The man states, a knowing tone laced his words. "Isn't that right, Pat? The Abby, the O bar, rage. That's where he was last year instead of helping me with trick-or-treaters"

"Have another drink dear" Patrick tells his husband before turning to the Harmon family. "Crafting brings out his inner George and Martha"

"So in addition to Halloween night, and making everything look inviting, which I get, do you guys have any other suggestions, for what we might do to the house to make it sell faster?" Vivien asks the pair, ignoring there subtle argument.

"Actually yes, the gazebos got to go. The lattice is wrong" The man states.

Hazel had finished carving her pumpkin and she set it on the table. "I'm gonna go do some homework" She tells her parents, then shooting the couple a polite smile.

Hazel was more than pleased to get out of that kitchen. The atmosphere was getting unbearable. That couple definitely needed to work some shit out.

She walks to her room, planning on watching a movie on her laptop, before she sees Tate asleep on her bed. She decided to let him sleep.

Hazel grabbed her computer from the bedside table and sat at her desk, playing a movie quietly. Not even five minutes later, Hazel felt the familiar lips of Tate Langdon gently peck her cheek.

"Glad you're up" She smiles at him and stands up, then dramatically falling onto her bed. "I missed my bed"

"What about me?" Tate asks with a chuckle, though something about the question seemed genuine.

She grabs his hand and drags him down with her.

"You too, I suppose" She chuckles.

Tate leans up on his elbow, so he's looking down on Hazel. He places a soft kiss to her lips.

"What were you doing before you got here?" Tate asks.

"Some guys came to the house to help set up decorations" Hazel responds. "Also, if you're gonna sleep in here lock the door"

Tate's face goes pale. "Was it those two gay guys?" He asks.

Hazel's brows furrow in confusion. "Yes?"

Tate shakes his head.

"Why do you seem so worried?" Hazel questions. The boy's face was far lighter than his normal complexion. He glanced at the door as if he was expecting someone to come in.

"I locked it" Hazel says quickly before sitting up in the bed and looking down at Tate. "Why are you so worried?"

"Um, they just don't have too great of a reputation. Talk alot about their personal lives to their clients. Starts drama sometimes" Tate explains.

"Yeah. I think Patrick is cheating on the other one, I don't know his name. He was pretty adamant that Patrick goes to gay clubs and gets fucked. He even had a list of club names" Hazel chuckles in disbelief.

"Do they know about your parents?" Tate questions.

"You mean my dad cheating?" Hazel responds.

Tate nods his head, blonde curls seeming to jump up as he does so.

"I don't think so" Hazel shrugs. "Oh well. They'll be gone soon anyways"

Hazel leans towards Tate. He meets her halfway, connecting his soft lips with her own. Hazel was sure that she'd always feel the butterflies in the pit of her stomach every time they kissed.

It seemed as though she could never get enough of Tate. She was always craving more.

There were many things that Hazel Harmon was not sure of, but one thing she knew.

She was in love with Tate. And he was in love with her, more than she could imagine.

She didn't know just how far Tate would go to keep her in his life. But there'll be more on that later. For now, Hazel is happy. And that's all that matters.

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