Dying Embers

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No One's POV

Nagaro slowly stood back up, his eyes lacking a signature shine as he slowly looked back towards the remaining combatants of the Sakura Empire. he looked at the palm of his hand as his moved his fingers and limbered up the rest of his joints before summoning his sword to his hand 

Observer cackled, their experiment having gone horribly wrong had produced a greater outcome than they could ever imagine. for the first time, the Sirens could witness a Calamity take full control and exert themselves far beyond what they could or have done before as she observed the heat in the area begin to rise, boiling the ocean as bubbles and steam began to form

Nagaro?:Assimilation at 71%, host resistance is minimal, body control is sluggish but manageable, current maximum power output is no greater than 45% without risk. assessment, further assimilation required for better success. minimal threats in area detected, beginning Cleansing Protocol, Cleanser active

Nagato and Mutsu looked with dread, they didn't understand what the boy in front of them was spouting about but it was clear to them that whoever was talking was not their Brother and they would not be leaving without a fight as readied themselves for a fight that they were unlikely to win

the water beneath them all began to bubble and boil as a layer of mist steam began to rise. The temperature steadily rose as Nagaro? took his stance and readied himself to make the first move while what remained of the capable fighters of the Sakura Empire stood their ground for an attempt of survival

seeing the battle about to brew, the Sirens backed off, knowing full well that they will not be able to escape the crossfire once the battle began as they portalled away to watch from a very far but safe distance. 

Nagaro?:your resistance is futile, lay down your weapons, kneel and accept your transformation to ashes, there will be no exceptions 

Nagato:one who surrenders to circumstances is not allowed to stand while those who cross it are allowed to move forward. whether resistance is futile or not is not for you to decide 

Nagaro?:to slay Me, you must slay this body and to slay this body is to slay him, are you ready


Nagato:I have made a lot of mistakes, putting you down will not be one of them. letting him ascend to the heaven peacefully and freeing him from you, shall be my last gift to him as his Sister......... no matter how terrible I was at it

Nagaro?:...........your sentiments fall on deaf ears, your wishes do not reach it's target and the cries of a failed sibling will not deter my goal


Nagaro?:enough idle chatter, you will all be cleansed 

in a matter of seconds, Nagaro? closed the distance, bridging the gap between him and Nagato in an instant as he swung his flaming sword. the strike would have been fatal had it landed but it was blocked by a quick and annoyed Mutsu, who pushed him back using what energy she had left as she worked off of the adrenaline before taking the initiative to fight him head on, much to Nagato's protests

Mutsu rushed in, her speed hampered by her wounds and her strength fleeting but her determination remaining undeterred as she lifted her sword and struck at Nagaro? who easily blocked her attack before firing her cannons at his legs which forced him to back off, giving the Battleship girl some leverage to push her offensive

Mutsu was backed up by Nagato as the Sakura Empire's leader fired her cannons at the enemy, not directly targeting the boy but bombarding the area around him, limiting his movement as Mutsu clashed blades with Nagaro?, the force of their swings causing small waves to form at their sides

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