Second Thoughts

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Nagato's POV

an entire day after the battle at the ruined city,we all returned to the Sakura Empire for rest and repairs while Iron Blood returned to their own base,we had quite a lot of casualties during the fight,almost half the fleet was heavily damaged while the other half was damaged but not as badly,Iron Blood themselves had taken quite the beating from Georgia's attacks as they estimated their forces to be fully ready to fight again in a few days or so,the Sakura Empire ship,that did not come to the battle were all deployed to take the places of the damaged ships as they all waited for their repairs to finish

right now,I was within the shrine with the rest of the commanding officers of the sakura Empire as we were discussing about the current matters at hand and about,the next phase of the plan to beat Azur Lane in the war,unfortunately,there was a big argument as to what we should do as the officers were split on 2 sides of what to do,Yamato,Musashi,Shinano and Mikasa,wanted to postpone the next phase until all the ships were fully repaired and ready to fight but Akagi,Kaga,Amagi and Tosa,wanted to proceed with the next phase despite the risk of having damaged ships going into battle while Me and Mutsu remained quiet about the matter

Amagi:I can see your point of view Lady Yamato but it would simply take too long to wait for everyone's repairs,Azur Lane is in disarray after the recent battle,this would be our best chance to strike them

Yamato:I can see your point as well but we will not risk the safety of our forces just because we have an opening to attack,I would gladly agree to this plan if not for the fact,that half of our fleet is heavily damaged,our chances of winning is slim even if they are also damaged

Akagi:we have the power of the Black Wisdom Cube and the plan is already set,if we force the next decisive battle we can break their forces and their morale to the point,that they won't be able to fight back

Musashi:you can't even control it's power yet,it's too unstable,making a Mirror Sea can only do us so much in a battle and you can't even guarantee,that you'll be able to hold it up long enough for us to win

Kaga:even so,the opportunity is simply too good to pass up,one fatal blow and Azur Lane will crumble like dust in the wind

Tosa:I agree,normally I wouldn't want to be so hasty but with a fool proof plan,this could be our chance to finish this war

Shinano:but still,the risk of losing everyone is just as great,we shouldn't be hasty about this,it could be exactly what the enemy wants from us

Mikasa:yes,we cannot underestimate them,even if they are damaged and weakened,one wrong move and all our efforts could crumble down on all of us

Amagi:then we will not make the wrong move,the battle is in our favor,the terrain,the weather conditions,the communication and the numbers are in our favor,we only need to make the right move,when moving forward

Yamato:Amagi,please understand,that this is simply too much of a risk,that we cannot take,even if we were to say,that Sir Nagaro was powered up by the Black Wisdom Cube,we don't know how long it would last,we don't know if he would be able to handle the power,heck the worst case scenario is something bad happens to him like,explode or lose his strength or memories,this is too big of a risk

Akagi:we cannot win a war without taking risk,Lady Yamato,you know this as much as I do

Yamato:are you saying,you are willing to sacrifice all their lives for the victory of the Empire,because I am not and I will not

Akagi:of course I'm not but with high risks comes high rewards and this could be the move we need to make to seize victory

the 8 of them all argued as Me and Mutsu stayed silent of the matter,we should have been paying more attention to their discussion but we were more concerned about something else entirely,ever since we got back from the battle,Brother was brought to the medical bay for treatment,after being unconscious for 15 hours straight,he woke up around 5:00 in the morning,today,we were very worried about him as he came in contact with the Black Wisdom Cube,which still has unknown properties,Akashi said,that he was fine and only needed some rest which relieved us greatly but ever since then,he became pushy,he started to distance himself and avoid us,he would only make eye contact when he was called for something important and he wouldn't even talk to Me and Mutsu anymore

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