Training & Discovery

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Nagaro's POV

I was waking up as I open eyes,it was still dark out as I try to figure out what time it was,I looked at a clock and saw that it was 1:00 in the morning,it was incredibly early as the sun hasn't even risen,even slightly,my sisters were still sound asleep as Mutsu was hugging my tail,I wiggle my tail out of her grip as I replace it with a pillow,she seemed distraught about it,probably because it wasn't as comfy,I look in front off me to see that Me and Sister Nagato's face were incredibly close,I almost panicked but I stopped myself from doing so as I got up from bed,I look outside as some stars were still in the sky,I quietly left the room,the hall of the shrine were dark,I could barely see in front of me but I managed to make my way to the meeting area,then I made my way to the door of the shrine as I exit the complex,it was dark outside as well,almost no light at all,I walk down towards the docks as I pass by the closed shops and houses of the Sakura Empire as I walk the empty path,when I got to the docks,I look around,being very cautious of my surroundings as I didn't want anyone to see me,when I was sure that no one was around,I put on my rigging and jump onto the water,I wanted to roam the surrounding waters for a little bit as I wanted to familiarize myself with the surrounding area and it was the perfect time as nobody would bother while I roam,the wind was cold but I liked it,others would call the temperature freezing but it never bothered me,I sailed towards the open ocean as the wind pushed against me

From around the corner of the docks

???:where is Sir Nagaro going [Redacted Name],let's follow him

After a few moments from him leaving,I summon my rigging and follow him

Back to Nagaro

The wind was blowing hard as the morning breeze was cold but enjoyable,I roamed the area as I look at the surrounding islands,they were just as beautiful as the main base as they were filled with Sakura Tree's and lush greenery,the entire Sakura Empire waters were filled with islands with untouched nature,it was just stunning to say the least,that was until I saw something,I saw a flash of red,that caught my eye as I sail towards it,then I saw a medium sized siren fleet,I shouldn't engage them in combat but I was far enough from the base that the others won't here my cannons,I aim and fire as I my shells shred through half of the fleet,my auxiliary guns then acted up and started punching holes in the smaller ships,I fired torpedoes and sunk more of the ship,then i fired 2 more salvos and sunk the rest of the fleet,it really didn't take long for me to finish as production models are pretty weak,I continued on sailing through the area as I feel like someone was watching me,I occasionally did turn around while sailing to see if I could get a glimpse of anyone following but I never did,either it was just me or the person following was really good at hiding,nothing was appearing on my radar and no presence was in the area except for myself,I eventually shook off the taught as I see the sun rising over the horizon,It was beautiful,the orange ball of heat and light rose up slowly,coming over the blue horizon but with the sun rising,also came the end of my roaming time as Lady Mikasa,Lady Yamato or Kawakaze might wake up soon and find me gone and I didn't want to worry them,I turn back and sped back to the docks,I quickly got back to the docks as I notice a spot in the docks was empty,my feeling was then confirmed as this means,someone was following me the entire time but who,I didn't know,but I shook off those thoughts and rushed back to the temple

With the mysterious follower

I got back to the docks and materialized my ship,where it was originally docked,I saw Sir Nagaro,rushing up the base and back to the temple

???:well at least he's safe,right [Redacted Name]

He nodded in agreement as we look at Sir Nagaro,running towards the shrine

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