War Day

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Nagaro's POV

Its's been 3 days since my training began with Ms.Takao,she's taught me a lot in terms of fighting,from stances and timing of attacks,to breathing techniques that let me strike stronger,in the past days,sister Nagato has been acting weirdly,she barely says anything and seems distracted from work when I come and check on her,not even sister Mutsu,knows what going on with her,we had assumed it because of the stress from working so we've been forcing her to rest more but even then she doesn't change,the other officers took notice of this as soon as Me and Sister Mutsu did and started getting worried as this might affect her capability to work,harshly,I've tried "talking" to her about it but she just keeps saying that it's nothing,even tho,it's clear that there is something,despite this,we had to put that matter to side,even tho I didn't want to,since today is the day,the Sakura Empire was waiting for,the day we declare war on Azur Lane,our former allies,Lady Amagi already planned out the attack as everyone was merely getting ready,from what Lady Amagi,Lady Akagi and Lady Kaga had told,Azur Lane was only composed of Eagle Union and Royal Navy since Sakura Empire and our ally,Iron Blood,left the alliance,tho I did wonder why we had to leave the alliance,I put the thought to the side,from what they said,it was Iron Blood that asked for an alliance with us and a number of different factions,they didn't tell me about,I tried to think of what Iron Blood was like at one point but nothing came to my mind,they said,I would get to meet them in the future so I shrugged off the thought,on other occasions,Lady Akagi has also been acting weird as I feel like she's been following me,wherever I go,I keep hearing her giggling from around the corner while I'm just roaming around,I once found sisters room a complete mess as the room was littered with my belongings,that were bought for me by the girls,I didn't know who but someone went through all my stuff but didn't take anything which only made me wonder more

at other time,the same person that was following me during my time with Lady Mikasa while we were meeting Sakura Empire,was following me through the whole base again,I heard her giggle from all over and saw glimpses of her,only for her to disappear instantly,I told the the girls in the shrine about as they told me to not worry about it with a smile,beneath it tho,I could tell they were angry and serious,they said to tell them if she keeps following me or go to the nearest adult to have her stop chasing me for the while

Sometimes I would also feel like someone was looking at me,it didn't feel like Lady Akagi or the mysterious woman as it the feeling didn't follow me around,it felt like it would look at me for a second then leave,every time I get the feeling,I would look around carefully,only to find no one looking at me,I never knew but the feeling didn't stop,it just kept appearing and disappearing through the whole 3 days

Now,I was currently on my ship alongside the group my sister called Task Force "Swirling Cherry Blossom",they were assigned as my escort for the attack on Azur Lane as they will protect me while I take out enemy ships,the task force had the Battleship Suruga,the Cruiser Noshiro,the Aircraft Carrier Ryuuhou and the Destroyer Kasumi,they were all powerful and seemed dedicated to their task of defending me,even tho I could protect myself while they could help the main force with the attack,even so,I was in no real position to object to sisters command,so I let it be as we were currently sailing to our destination,which was a good distance away from the Azur Lane base,I was to shell the base from a far,with my large caliber cannons while Lady Akagi and Lady Kaga would bring a multitude of siren production models as their escorts and Zuikaku and Shoukaku as their back up,we were expecting harsh resistance so Lady Amagi had position everyone in places where they could quickly respond and assist allies,then return to their original position,I just hope everyone would be ok,after the attack,I didn't want anyone to be hurt but the attack comes first I guess,I was laying on top of my front cannons,basking in the sunlight as it radiated heat onto me,the weather was amazing,barely any clouds in the sky and the sun nearing it's peak,Me and the task force were nearing our destination as the time of attack was coming quickly,we soon arrived at our spot and waited for the signal to attack,we were waiting for Lady Akagi's signal to attack and they where waiting for Ayanami to radio them,since we wanted to confirm the bases layout was the same as a blueprint that was given to us by Iron Blood,we waited more as I stood up on my cannon and faced the direction of the base,I suddenly get the feeling that I was being watched again,I looked around but saw no one looking at me,the girls in the task force were preparing themselves for anything and none of them seemed to be looking at me,I look back to the direction of the base as I waited for the signal,suddenly,my radar acted up as I check it,I look at my radar and see multiple red dots on it,I then snap my finger as loud as I can catching the girls attention,I took out my cards and started writing,I then showed the writing to them as it said,"I got multiple pings on my radar,4,north east of our position",Ms.Suruga,nodded at me and told the others to ready themselves,then my radio acted up,from it,came Lady Kaga's voice

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