an escape

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Third person pov

Jamie parked her car. She took a deep breath, looking into her rearview mirror. In the frame of the mirror was a bar that she had decided to go to. Some bar called "An Escape". Well, it sure was an escape for her. Just to get away from home a little bit and all the stress of her life.

She opened the door and climbed out of her car.
She walked towards the bar, her heels clicking and clacking with every step she took.

She wrapped her slim fingers around the door handle of the bar. As she walked inside, her ears were filled with music and people dancing, laughing, and of course the sound of small glass cups being hit on the counter.

Jamie took a seat at the end of the bar. All alone.

"Hi. Can I get anything for ya?"

"Um yes. Can I just get a margarita?"

"Coming right up"

The man walked away. She put her head in her palm as she looked around the bar. A bunch of old filthy men, prostitutes, and rich guys who are with the prostitutes.

"Here's your Margarita miss"

"Thank you"

It has now only been a few minutes since Jamie has been at the bar. And she was already growing bored. And the bartender was making her second Margarita.

She felt a pair of eyeballs burning into the side of her face. She slowly moved her head, seeing such a hot man with black cornrows staring at her from one of the booths. She felt her cheeks heat up so she quickly looked away. Don't want to draw attention to him.

• • • •

After drinking her second margarita, Jamie decided that was enough for one night. She took out a 20-dollar bill and put it under her empty glass for the bartender. She put her purse on her shoulder and headed to the front door of the bar.
Her shoes made noise as she walked. She made it outside to the now dark parking lot. She looked to her right and saw the same guy from earlier, leaning against a black sports car, smoking a cigarette. And the best part is, he's parked right next to her. She tried keeping a calm expression on her face as she walked to her car.

"Hey!" he said before she was able to get into her car. He stared at her with a very calm and relaxed expression.

"Umm Hi."

"You new to this bar? Never seen you before" he lit his cigarette out on the concrete ground. "Uh yeah I am." she walked over to the back of her car, getting closer to him. "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Jamie. I'm Tom". He held out his hand, and they shook hands. He had a firm grip on her hand like he didn't want to let go.
Until he eventually did. "So, where you headed to now, Jamie" he leaned on the back of his car, crossing his arms. What a weird question to ask a girl that you just met not even five minutes ago...


"Home? It's only 9 o'clock"

She paused. What the hell was she supposed to say?

"Come on, get in" he opened the car door, about to get into his car.

Get in? Why would she get in? She stood there.
Hesitated. Fuck it you only live once.

"Ok well, what about my car?" she crossed her

"Leave it. We can come back and pick it up tomorrow"

"We? How do you know we're gonna be with each other until tomorrow?"

"Well it depends on how our night goes," he said winking. She smiled and shook her head. She then walked to the passenger seat of Tom's car and got in. They looked at each other and smiled.

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