Chapter 37

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"Then don't." Liana's words echoedin Conner's head like a howl on the wind. He knew not whether she understood their implication, but neither he nor his wolf cared anymore. Liana was his, and it was time he made it official.

The kiss that had started softly did not stay that way for long.

Conner's baser urges, his wolf instinct, begged him to devour. So that's what he did. Conner devoured every minuscule centimeter of Liana's mouth, preening over her whines and mewls as he found sensitive spots one after another.

His arm slipped around her torso, pulling her to her feet, then hoisting her into his arms. The closer, the better.

Liana wrapped around him like a monkey. Perfect.

Conner turned from the table and headed for their bedroom. As much as the wolf would like to be adventurous, the man knew that Liana was vulnerable right now. She deserved his calmness and control. Anything else could be explored later.

Conner broke the kiss to gingerly place Liana on the side of the bed. She had only just recovered from so many injuries. He couldn't risk hurting her again.

"You're sure about this?" Conner asked, though the wolf whined harshly.

Liana grinned at him, lifting her hands to trace his face and neck. "I'm sure."

Had he been less love-drunk, Conner might have recognized the mischievous grin. But he and his wolf didn't care about Liana's tricks and schemes. Her scent enticed him, drugged him. And Conner gave in.

Her shirt was the first to go, revealing underthings made of pink silk and blue lace. That's when Conner realized. "You planned this."

Liana ducked her head sheepishly. "Don't they look like cupcakes?"

"That's what you did at the store." Conner rolled his eyes. Liana had such an odd way of doing things. Conner leaned forward, placing one hand and then the other on either side of Liana's hips. "You don't need these to make you a cupcake. I'm sure you're sweeter than this frilly frosting."

Liana's breath hitched, Conner's signal to continue.

Truly, she hadn't needed to buy such extraneous things. Conner did away with everything between his lips and Liana's skin.

Out of nervousness, bashfulness, or second thoughts, Liana's arms lifted to cover herself. The movement only brought into the light the sickening burn scars around her wrists.

Conner went still, his attention focused solely on the reminder of her tragedy. One hand lifted, sliding down her arm to lift it closer. His lips brushed the tangled skin, both apologizing and soothing at the same time. He should have been there for her. He should have cared for her more closely.

Thus, his lips didn't stop there. Conner explored Liana's body with his kisses, covering her skin with the intent of his love. He worked first from head to toe, down the expanse of her. And then he started at her ankles and worked up her spine.

Liana squirmed and hummed beneath him, no matter how he moved her or where he touched. Conner grinned at her responsiveness.

"Let me inside you," Conner muttered against her shoulder.

And Liana acquiesced.

Their mingled voices at the joy of their intertwining raised to the roof and echoed back at them.

Conner wrapped his arm around Liana to steady her.

Liana's fingers twisted in the blanket beneath her.

And then, together, they began to move to the rhythm of a dance so ancient that it need not be taught.

Conner nipped at Liana's neck, mentally preparing her for what he would do next. Because she would not escape this unmated. He wouldn't allow it.

Higher and higher they soared, each moment spiraling their pleasure through the burgeoning mating bond and heightening their awareness of skin and sound.

Liana's humming grew into keening, as primal as Conner had ever heard. And he and his wolf loved it.

Knowing it would not be long before her pleasure reached its peak, Conner stretched his jaw, allowing his fangs to make an appearance and prepare themselves for their most important task. Their tips, he ran up her spine, over her neck, down to her shoulder.

Liana shivered and jumped with each infinitesimal prick, but she never faltered or cried.

All were good signs.

Conner waited, as long as he could, feeling her desire and her pleasure mount along the bond. He centered his teeth at the joint of her neck and shoulder.

And then he bit.

Liana cried out, then, her whole body spasming as two feelings wound around her as one. The scent of skin and sweat gave way to candy sugar and, on top of it, Conner's own scent. Liana would never go anywhere without his scent marker on her again.

Conner tucked her in his arms as she went limp. She would require time to adjust to the new mating mark. Then they would try more exploring of one another's bodies.

Conner was unaware when he, too, fell asleep, but he woke to the feather-light touch of Liana's finger tracing his face.

"What are you doing?" Conner asked huskily.

Liana giggled. "Memorizing. I don't want to forget what we did today."

Conner slid his eyes open, one inch at a time, to size up the woman at his side. The mating mark had taken well, as she was practically glowing. No need to hold himself back, then.

"You won't need to remember," Conner replied. "I'll make sure you never forget."

Then, Conner covered his mate with his body and began their dance all over again.  

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