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I love rain. I love how it falls from the clouds to the earth, the sound it makes as it falls, and the rustle it makes when it touches the ground. I love the thunder that the clouds in the sky make. There have been moments when I have thought a lot, yes. Most of the time, there have been a few moments when I have gathered the courage to let go of my umbrella and walk in the rain. There have been moments when I let go of the umbrella and tried to look at the sky. Every time, raindrops would get into my eyes. I could never see where they came from, I couldn't see them. When it snows and I look up at the sky, it feels like the world is spinning around it, so why can't I look at the rain? And then one day, that day. 

It started raining again, but the intensity of it gave me a little courage. I know, at that moment, I let go of my umbrella and even though my eyes hurt, I finally managed to look at that mysterious thing. 

A strange feeling and an inexplicable flood of emotions... What I felt was strange. It was so strange to imagine its existence, actually! While touching it with my hands, I only felt its coldness, but now I can see it and feel every drop of it. Maybe this is the real thing... "Instead of trying to be happy, I am living to say that I can do it. When I look in the mirror, I love myself. I wear what I want and breathe the way I want. And when I want to, I can let go of the umbrella in my hand and look at the sky to experience the strangest and most magnificent moment given to me by nature. It is so magnificent..."

May your life not be as short as an umbrella, may your life be like a cloud. Forever and always.

Hüsameddin Doğuş YAMAN / 21.09.2022 - 00:39

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