A Monday Night - ENG

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Who can know as if!
Like watching your way on the street,
Maybe hoping to see you every day when passing through that street.

Who can know as if!
You are far away, very far away.
I wish I had recorded my thoughts!
I have so many sentences that you need to know...

Who can know!
That I feel breathless when I feel you,
My enthusiasm that never disappears every time I see you,
Or how your moods on your face give me peace every time.

I don't know!
When it comes to you,the world stops.
And when it comes to you, I'm afraid!

I wrote my feelings to you for the first time on November 24th.
Even a little...
Maybe I fell in love with a right wrong.
When it comes to you,
I really don't know...

07.12.2020 - 05:45 / A Monday Night
Hüsameddin Doğuş YAMAN

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