See It In Your Eyes - ENG

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It's not that I don't care, it's just that my feelings towards you are brand new.
I feel trapped in numbness but I'm not resentful towards life.
Maybe you could be the one to rescue me from this darkness and lead me towards the light.
Maybe with your delicate and pure light, you'll erase all the shadows and I'll reach you.
Maybe I'm just entertaining a wrong idea.
While imagining us being together is amazing, maybe one day, at some point in time, we'll meet again.
The world is so small.

My landslide-eyed one, doesn't smoke rise in your eyes when you look?
Don't memories haunt you?
Don't you watch the dull, deserted footsteps?
As I imagine walking on a pure white ice sheet, even though you're in a pristine white dress, the perfection of your steps and the way the sun shines on you with every glance...

It's like watching the most magnificent fashion show in the world, with only you on stage and me as the only admirer.
Watching you under all the spotlights, accompanied by The Weeknd's "Earned It"... The moment time stops as our eyes meet, feeling your breath, getting lost deeply in your eyes.

And you, woman, you enchant me.
And you, woman, you take me away from myself.
Again you, woman, if that day under the spotlights had not left me unaffected.
You, woman, the sparkle of your diamond earrings.
My eyes meeting yours with every flash.. Yes, you, woman, you are the reason for my passion and imprisonment.
And you, woman, I'm glad you're the reason... 

"Those two days were like a lifetime for both of us.."

27.08.2023 - 23:56

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