The World Meeting

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Britain's pov: (all chapters might be from now)

As me and Ireland got out of the car, we seemed to have bumped into the Nordics and they seemed somehow still nice to me..

"See, told you this meeting will go a breeze," whispered Ireland to me.

I smiled at him but I knew that in general, the Nordics are always nice to mostly everyone so they could be just doing at as a normal daily routine. I know I should trust Ireland's advice, but I can't help but think that something is going to happen today. Something-

"MUMMMMM!" Australia jumped to hug me, making me collapse on the floor with him landing on top. I can't help but laugh; at least my little sunshine is still bright and happy.

"Morning mum," America came and helped me up followed by my two other children, New Zealand and Canada, whispering something secretive to eachother. I couldn't help but think they are gossiping about other countries. They may be quiet but due to this, they get quite a lot of dirt on everyone.

As we entered the meeting hall (with Canada constantly talking about the greatness of maple syrup), I saw my seat was changed. It wasn't in between Germany and France anymore hand I couldn't help but feel quite enraged but in the end I blew it off. I suspected Germany wouldn't have done such an immature thing so I definitely thought it was that frog. My seat was instead allocated next to my son, America, and Portugal. Oh fair and handsome Portugal! Guess I didn't mind after all.

"Mum why's your seat moved?" asked Zea.

God, why did he have such a keen eye!

"Oh yeah.. I noticed that too," agreed Maple.

"Uhhh, it's because," I made up, "UN wanted me to keep an ye on Ame and make sure he doesn't get into a fight with any other country.."

That was a great excuse UK, well done!

"WHAT! I don't get into fights all the time!" complained USA.

"Yes you do," replied all of his three siblings in unison,

"Anyways! I'm gonna check up on South-"


"NO I-"

"Please, I am your uhh mother? I knew before any of you.." I replied.

Australia blushed a deep crimson while the other three were laughing like hyenas.


Everyone sat down in their seats and I could see France and Spain giving him dirty looks. Wow, I guess I really did mess up huh?

"Hey," whispered Portugal next to me, "Ignore them, they"ll get over it eventually.. Anyways, what do you think the meetings about?"

Portugal. How does he understand everything? After everything they had been through together, no matter how many times I would lash out or say reckless things, he would always understand. Did I really deserve him? He was too kind.. maybe France was right, no one can stand being in a relationship with me..

"Psssttt, Brittany, I said to ignore them," whispered Portugal.

"Brittany?! Why are you calling me that?" I whispered furiously back to him.

"Because I think you look cute when I say that, you get so flustered.."

I blushed. Cute? Flustered? Who does he think he is messing with my feelings! Why did he even say that...

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