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3rd person POV.
*not edited*

Reaching over his eyes barley open as he picked up his phone turning off the alarm he set. Throwing it back down, his left hand resting on a sleeping antwone who made his way basically on top of him.

He was laying right under him, half of his body on him, his face hidden away in his neck, leg thrown over him, and his arm hooked on the other side of his neck. His even breathing telling him he was still sleep.

Untangling their legs Xavier carefully sat up and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the shower letting it run for a while so it can get warm. Walking back over to the sink, starting his face routine that just consisted of him his face with cetaphil and brushing his teeth.

Tiredly staring at his self in the mirror, his hair was down and he only now noticed the 2 hickeys on his neck. Taking up a hair tie putting his hair in a high bun not bothering with the few locs that refuse to listen.

Not bothering to close the bathroom door that was half way open. Taking off the black sweatpants before walking in the shower, making sure water didn't touch his hair. He stood there for a bit thinking. It would be a lie to say he wasn't thinking about anything specific, because he was for a fact thinking about the man why laid in his bed.

Xavier didn't take the word love lightly. In fact throughout his life he can whole heartedly say he only loved who he considered his family. In other words his grandparents and his friend group.

Sure he's been in relationships, and sure he had feelings for the people he's been with. But in his 25 almost 26 years of living he could've also said he's never been in love.

But Xavier was man enough to admit somehow and somewhere along these couple months, he feel in love with Antwone, and he fell hard. Shit, going without him for a week was more than enough to confirm the feeling.

Damn near losing his temper with everybody because he hadn't been in Twone's presence. He wasn't scared to admit Antwone had a hold on him. He loved everything about him, the way he unintentionally mugged people when they made him upset. How he always wanted to touch him, even if it were just their legs touching when the sat next to each other.

He was sure he could speak for hours about all the things he picked up about him.

Picking up the method men body wash and the black wash rag he began washing his body and his head turned to the right when he heard movement by the door.



"Why you ain' wake me up?" Twone mumbled loud enough for him to hear as he started his routine

"I was gon let you sleep till I finished with tha' bathroom."


A couple minutes later he put his toothbrush back in the original spot.

"Imma go lay down 'til you done"

"Or ca' come in."

Antwone side eyed the shower glass that was fogged up because of the steam.

"No, you nasty" he said in response making Xavier smile

"Ian gon do nun baybe, 'nd we saving water."

"You'n give no fuck bout to water" twone mumbled to his self but still took off his black PSD's and walked towards the shower. Leaving his hair down not caring if his locs got wet or not

Sliding shower door open, closing it so the floor didn't get wet, shaking his head when he felt arms wrap around him. Turning around he looked at Xavier who was already looking at him.

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