𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 26 : 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦

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The day couldn't start any better
Loud ringing woke me up from my precious sleep.These past days I couldn't get much sleep because of all stress
I groaned and stretched my arm to grab my phone from the coffee table beside my bed.But by the time I managed to do that the ringing stopped

7 am
The screen showed 7 am
Who the fuck would call me in 7 am on a Saturday.They better have a good reason
I was about to curse the shit out of them for calling so early,but when I saw the number,my heart froze
It was Hospital,probably calling for my dad
They've been calling every second day to tell me my dad's state.It wasn't good.He have been in critical condition since he got put there
I took a deep breath before dialing number again

,,Hello,this is Anadolphy Hospital,how may I help you?'' The lady spoke
,,Uhm yes,hi.My name is Lillie Rose.You called me a couple of minutes ago?'' I said in a sleepy voice
,,Oh yes,Miss Rose.I know it's early in the morning in America,so sorry for calling,but we wanted to tell you as soon as possible''
My heart dropped.That could mean a lot of things.He could be doing better,he could be still in the same condition as before,or he could've....
No,that can't be.He's a strong man.He will get through this
,,Oh don't worry,this is more important.So what's the news'' I said hoping for the best
,,So you know how your father had been in critical condition since he was placed here?'' The lady asked
,,Mhm'' My legs started shaking, anxiety and nervousness overcome me.I can feel panic attack coming

Breathe Lillie,breathe

I inhale deeply,letting oxygen to get to my lungs and exhale
,,Well,we run some tests again.And his state is getting better and better.If this continues,he will be able to go home next week''
,,Oh my god,really?'' I ask,feeling of relief splashing through my body giving me goosebumps
,,Yes! We will keep you updated if something changes''
,,Okay,thank you so much'' I squeal jumping from my bed
,,No problem,that's my job.Goodbye Miss Rose''
The call ends and I start jumping out of happiness,tears rolling down my cheeks

I won't lose another parent

,,Is everything okay Lillie?'' Sophie asks yawning.Christine in that moment wakes up too
,,Everything's perfect.My dad is getting better and he will probably be out next week'' I said through laughter
,,Oh my god that's great! I'm glad that he's okay'' They both jump out of bed and pull me into a hug
I put my arms around their shoulders,pulling them closer,tightening hug
,,Thank you guys'' I murmur into them
,,For what'' Christine raises her head
,,For being here for me in my worsts.For showing me what true friendship is.At first when I came here I thought that my life will turn upside down.But meeting you I proved myself wrong''
,,Okay Lillie,you are making me cry'' Christine giggles,her eyes tearing up.I look up at Sophie,who's already crying waterfalls
,,We love you to girly'' She sniffs
,,You are the best thing that happened to us this year'' Christine wipes her eyes with her hoodie

,,I love you guys''
,,We love you too'' They both say in the same time
I smile
I genuinely smile after a long time

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,,Are we all ready?'' Ms.Grunt asks holding paper with out names in her hand
,,Yes for the fifth time for fuck sakes'' I snort,annoyed by the fact that we've been standing in front of the bus for the fifth check
,,Okay,but let's just check one mo-''
,,NO'' all students shout,looking like they want to kill her
,,Okay okay! Then just come in and sit inside.But don't forget you sit next to your roommates!'' She says before moving from the entrance
,,How could I forget that'' I mumble
,,Are you coming L'' Christine asks
,,I am,but first I need to buy some snacks,I forgot to do it yesterday'' I giggle looking around for the nearest store until I spot one
,,Okay,just be quick.We leave in 10 minutes''

,,Noted captain''  I smile before turning around and making my way to the store.I step onto the porch outside and the doors automatically opens
It wasn't huge place,but it had everything you need
I shuffled through the aisles,grabbing some snacks and drinks,and of course,my favorite,oreos
After getting all I needed,I made my way to the cash register ,placing all the item on it.The cashier was an old lady.After finishing scanning my items,she looked up at me and smiled
,,Is this everything you need today sweetie?''
,,No thank you,that's all'' I smile back,getting ready to pull out my money
She looks at the screen of computer ,,Okay then,that will be 17.50''
I hand her 20 dollars bill ,,It's okay,keep the change'' I take the bag with my stuff,ready to head back
,,You know you really look like my granddaughter''
The lady said
I glance at her and smile.In this situations I don't know how to react
,,She has long hair just like you,and hazel eyes.It's a shame she got pregnant at 15 and had twins'' She shakes her head
I just stand there and look at her with awkward smile
She looks up at me,,Don't end up like her''
You could hear the seriousness in her voice.Like there would be deadly consequences if you don't listen to her
,,I won't''

She stares at me for a couple of second before grinning and putting the money inside ,,Thank you dear,have a nice day''
,,No problem uh,you too'' I say goodbye to her and exit the store.Weird lady I guess
I was walking back,checking the things I bought when I looked up and saw the bus doors were closed.It was ready to leave
I start running on the parking lot,sprinting all the way across it.There's no way they are leaving without me
I manage to get to the doors,fighting for breath as I bang with my hands
After a couple of seconds,the doors open and I walk up,seeing everyone's attention turned to me
,,Late as always Miss Rose'' Ms.Grunt checks me out before scoffing
,,You know me haha'' I awkwardly laugh
,,Sit down so we can finally go''

,,Yes ma'am'' I say quickly before turning around,looking for Andrew
Walking further into a bus I spot him at the back,looking at his phone
I slowly come up to him,and sat down
As I did that,he glanced at me,probably hoping that I wasn't doing the same.But our eyes meet again,after a long time
I could do this all day,just stare at his eyes,loosing myself in them
,,Uh hey'' His words snap me out of my trance
,,Oh um yeah,hi'' I spit out somehow,my words sounded like gibberish of a five year old
He nods before looking back at his phone
I opened my mouth,in a try to start a conversation,but the second teacher interrupted me.I think her name was Ms.Loune or something like that
,,Okay children,the bus is starting.Are we ready for this unforgettable adventure!?'' She squeals like we are in elementary school.Everyone cringes,ignoring her totally

Oh this will definitely be unforgettable

,,I hate kids''She murmurs but everyone heard her obviously as someone added
,,We hate you too'' and everyone laughed.Except her of course.She rolled her eyes and stumbled angrily back to her seat
The bus started moving,leaving the parking lot and joining the other cars on the road
Looking out of the window.I saw direction for the cities,and between them was a sign

San Francisco : 808 miles

I lean my head back,resting it on the seat and sigh.This will be a loooong ride

Finally I updated.Sorry for keeping you wait so long.If some of you didn't saw my messages,these couple of days really drained me physically and mentally,so I wasn't in the best condition to write
But I knew I had to write something so here it is.A little bit shorter,but it doesn't matter,because the next chapter is gonna be crazy 😏😉
Be prepared
Love ya 🫶🏻

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