Caught (18)

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"Woah! look who's in a good mood for 2 days straight!" Jisoo said, watching Jennie as she does her casual morning routine. It had finally been the weekend, and alot had pretty much happened.

It had been 2 days, since Lisa and Jennie gone out. They talked more than they usually do, even inside of school. Though, it's a lowkey thing.

Lisa was still her professor, so she had to act like it. Luckily, they were pretty much good at acting. Only rosé, knows about their friendship.

"Keep the streak going!"
Jisoo said happily, while patting the younger's back. Jennie got back to her perfect routine, and never once bragged to Jisoo. Thankfully.

"Hey, why can't i be happy?"
Jennie asked, watching Jisoo as she grabbed some more eggs. They were currently eating breakfast right now, jisoo planned to stay in and mostly play games.

"I don't know, you seem like a person who would be in a bad mood 24/7" She said, Jisoo and Jennie got along pretty well. They just happened to click, meant to be best friends.

They knew some secrets from eachother, and as roommates ofcourse they will get along. Also, aside from the fact that Jisoo had finally managed to talk with Rose.

It was such a big achievement for her, both the Kim celebrated in their own dorm. But suddenly got in trouble because of how loud Jisoo blasted the speaker.

"Whatever, Chu. I'm just in a great mood"
Jennie said throwing a crumpled paper at her, great mood for what? You may ask, well the question would probably be very obivous. Unlike, jennie and lisa saying goodbye to eachother any not talking.

They were talking alot over the phone aswell, that's how close they got. But never had they done any intimate things, it had been quite awhile.

"Please, keep it that way Jendeukie" She grabbed her phone, and quickly flopped into the couch before Jennie could do anything.

"And what are you up to this weekend, Chu?" Jennie turned to see, Jisoo already getting comforted in the couch. Blanket over her, as she sat. Her head resting on the pillow, turning on the TV and going on her phone.

"I'm going to grind, CODM"
She opened her phone, to that certain app. Jennie looks at her confused.

Jennie questioned, their conversation were out of pocket but this is what they usually talk about aside from her crush.

"Yeah, wanna know a secret?"
Jisoo said, as jennie waited for her to tell whatever secret she was gonna say.

"I convinced, Rosé. To download and play duo with me" She smiled happily, and it seemed like she was texting someone on the phone. Rosé and Jisoo got close, but never thought they'd be this close.

Rosé didn't seem like the type to play games, but it was cute to witness it.
"Alright, you have fun then"

Jennie said, getting off the chair as she went to her room to grab her jacket.
"Where you going?"

Jisoo slightly shouted, curious because it seems like Jennie was going to leave. It was only 10pm, on a saturday. It's a good day just to stay in, and do nothing.

"Uhm..I'm going to the library" Jennie said, making her way out of the room to grab her phone. Jisoo looks at her, her smile turning into a smirk.

"Why are you looking at me so weirdly?"
Asked Jennie, it was awkward because Jisoo was squinting her eyes with a smirk on her face.

"Are you sure you're going to the library, or somewhere else?" Jisoo asked suspiciously which got Jennie taken aback, she could only laugh at the awkward atmosphere. As if Jisoo knew already.

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