Chapter 02 | Am I Making You Uncomfortable?

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Chapter 02 | Am I Making You Uncomfortable?

"I'm gonna be late for my Quantum Mechanics final," Connor mumbles against my lips the next morning.

"You'd better get going then, huh?" I ask him with a small giggle, rolling us over in my bed so that I'm straddling him. Yet another perk of living in an on-campus apartment rather than in a dorm - you get a queen-sized bed instead of one of those tiny twin beds.

"I love you," He laughs and he kind of says it under his breath, as if he doesn't mean for me to hear it or something. I don't know why though, because it's not like we haven't already said 'I love you' to each other hundreds of times. Like I said, we've only been dating for about three months now and I've only ever been in love with one other guy, but I know when I'm in love and I'm in love with him. Three months doesn't seem like long enough to fall in love with someone, I know, but in my defense, I have known him for four years.

"I love you back," I whisper, locking my arms around his neck and letting him roll us back over in the bed.

Last night, he stayed over and even though it was a lot of fun, I'm pretty sure I didn't help him prepare at all for his final today, which I feel a little guilty about. Well, I guess that's not totally true - I kinda helped him. We went over that long list of terms that he needed to know and surprisingly, he knew them all, along with their significance. That's about all we did though, in terms of studying. We spent the rest of the time watching Netflix (Grey's, obviously), making out (a lot), eating junk food (too much), and playing with Karev.

From what I understand though, Connor doesn't actually need Quantum Mechanics to get the degree that he's working towards, so even if he fails his final exam today, which he probably won't, he'll be fine. I know that a lot of fray boys are stereotyped as being literal idiots, but Connor's actually kind of a genius. That being said, there's no way he can fail the overall class, so he's worrying over nothing.

"But I really gotta go," He says a couple of seconds later, pulling away from me with a sigh. "The Lebowitz Building is across campus."

"Okay, okay," I mutter, unlocking my arms from around his neck and putting a bit of space between us in the bed. "Go, make an 'A'."

"I'll try," Connor chuckles, getting up out of the bed. He grabs his button-up shirt from the floor and then slides it on, buttoning it up.

"Do you have to work today?" I randomly ask him, grabbing my phone from the nightstand and unlocking it, seeing that I've got five unread texts from Sienna. I'm sure they're just her trying to make me feel guilty about not being in Kansas for Graham's graduation, which, I think, should probably be getting started soon. I don't have to energy to deal with her right now though, so I set it back down.

Connor's trust fund alone is more than the cost of my old house plus the combined costs for Sienna, Piper, and me to attend Suffolk, so basically, he is by no means poor. His parents are filthy stinking rich and he, by association, is also filthy stinking rich. I say that to say this: he has a job and it's kind of funny to me, because he obviously doesn't need it. I really do respect the fact that he makes his own money though, rather than mooching off of his parents. He works at a sporting goods store, so he sells like fish bait and baseballs.

"I don't," Connor says, shaking his head and pulling a pair of brown Chinos on over his boxer shorts. "Why, you want to do something?"

"Something like what?" I wonder, picking my phone up again, deciding to just go ahead and read Sienna's texts, but not reply to them.

Don't get me wrong, Sienna is still one of my very best friends and I still love her with every little piece of my heart, but ever since Graham and I broke up back in December, she's been very vocal about how stupid she thinks the reason that we broke up is. Not only that, but she's been incredibly concerned about Graham and his well-being, which is fine and dandy, because they're close friends. The annoying thing is that she treats him like he's some wounded puppy or something. Also, she's been super passive aggressive, treating me like I'm just some heartless hound dog. Needless to say, our friendship has been incredibly strained the past five months.

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