Chapter 04 | Golf Is An Old Person's Pastime

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Chapter 04 | Golf Is An Old Person's Pastime

"Hi boyfriend," I say, answering my ringing phone.

"Hey babe," Graham replies. "What are you doing?"

"Thinking about changing my major to biochemistry," I randomly tell him.

"Biochemistry?" He echoes with a small chuckle. "Why would you subject yourself to that level of torture?"

"Well, because I'm watching Grey's Anatomy right now and it's that one episode where that kid gets get admitted to Seattle Grace after he gets impaled through the chest with the tree limb. Remember that one?" I ask curiously, sitting up in my bed and pausing Netflix so I can actually hold a conversation.

"Considering the fact that you made me watch each season about five times with you, I think that it'd be pretty hard for me to forget," Graham tells me.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," I giggle. "Anyway, so yeah, it's that episode and I don't know, I just think that it's so cool that this dumb teenager literally gets catapulted into a tree and the tree just pierces him straight through the chest. And you would think that would have killed him on impact, but no, they bring this kid to Seattle Grace and Webber and Bailey and Alex and Callie all operate on him and they save his life! Like, that's so cool! Don't you think it's cool that you can literally be on death's doorstep and then all of a sudden, your life is saved? I love that," I tell him and I know that I'm rambling, but I can't help it. Grey's Anatomy is just the kind of show that makes a person ramble, especially a person that's already prone to it, i.e., me.

"Yeah, I guess that's pretty cool," Graham agrees and he laughs again. I wonder why he's so laughy. "So, what, you want to be a surgeon now?" He asks.

"I don't know," I shrug, even though he obviously can't see me. "Maybe," I decide. "I don't know if I can handle all the blood and guts and death though."

"I'm sure you could. If you really want to do it, you should go for it," Graham tells me. "Plus, you'd look really cute in Brookhaven Memorial's doctor scrubs."

"I look cute in everything I wear though," I tell him and it sounds conceited, but it took me a long time to gain self-confidence, so I'm gonna embrace it.

"You do," Graham agrees. "And everything you don't wear," He adds in slyly before clearing his throat and saying, "So, what do you have planned for today?"

I blush at his sly remark and thank my lucky stars that we aren't face-to-face right now, because he'd definitely tease me for blushing and I'd blush more and the cycle would just continue and it'd just be kind of awful. He claims that my blushing is cute, but then again, everything I do he thinks is cute.

"I think I'll whine a little bit over the fact that you're not here," I tell him matter-of-factly. "Then I'll probably just go to a club with Piper and Sienna."

Today is September 2, aka, my birthday. My twenty-first birthday, as a matter of fact, which is a pretty big deal, I guess. I mean, I can finally legally drink, which is nice, I guess, but nothing to get too excited over because I'm not really a big drinker. This is my first birthday in the near three years that Graham and I have been together that he won't be here for my birthday, which is sad, but I'm not mad or anything, because that'd be stupid.

He's away at Kansas and I'm here in Boston, so I wasn't really expecting him to fly all the way out here just for my birthday. He came last year though and the year before that and the year before that, but he told me he wouldn't be able to make it this year. He didn't really specify a reason why and I decided not to pry.

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