Chapter 06 | We Had A Hell Of A Ride

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Chapter 06 | We Had A Hell Of A Ride

"I can't believe how lazy you are," Connor says.

"Lazy?" I echo. "I'm definitely not lazy," I scoff.

"You're literally in your car, going like 3 miles per hour while I'm out here walking your dog," He reminds me.

"Well, don't forget, you are the one who suggested that Karev get into shape," I reiterate with a small chuckle.

"Because he isn't even a year old yet and he already weighs, like, a hundred pounds," Connor laughs.

"More like twenty," I argue, playfully rolling my eyes at him. "Besides, he's cute, so it doesn't matter."

Today is Tuesday, June 13, and it's been about two weeks since Graham and Sienna returned to Massachusetts with Paisley, which means that it's been roughly two weeks since I last heard from either of them. Sienna keeps calling my phone though - to stir up more drama, no doubt, but I can't really say for sure.

After our fight, I pretty much cut off all ties with her because I realized then how problematic she actually is and I have no room in my life for problematic people. It was pretty intense though - it was like this break-up almost, actually; I mailed her all of her stuff back and everything.

Currently, Connor, Karev, and I are in a residential area a couple of blocks from our school taking Karev for a walk. Well, Connor's taking Karev for a walk, I should say. Like he said, I'm in my car, driving alongside the sidewalk that they're walking on.

It makes me sound lazy, I know, but the truth is, it's breathtakingly hot in Boston today and heat and I don't exactly mesh well. I can't believe when I was in high school I seriously considered moving to Guam or Texas to get away from the everlasting cold weather in New England; it's only 65 degrees here now and I'm about to pass out from the heat.

But I digress.

Anyway, for the past few days or so, Connor has been saying that I should try to get Karev to lose some weight so that he doesn't get too fat and die. He was being dramatic though, of course. I mean, yeah, Karev's a little bit overweight, but he's still the cutest dog in the entire world, so I don't see why it really matters. I definitely don't want him to die prematurely though, so I told Connor that we could start taking Karev on early morning walks, so that's what we're doing.

Well, not really, but Karev's exercising nonetheless and that's good for him.

And I'm not sweating, so that's good for me.

And Connor isn't wearing a t-shirt right now and that's really good for me.

"Whatever you say," He laughs. "Look, he's all out of breath" Connor adds, glancing down at Karev.

"It's okay, baby," I tell Karev, following Connor's gaze. "I love you the way you are and your fluffiness makes you unique."

"Wow, you should think about becoming a motivational speaker," Connor chuckles and I can't tell if he's kidding or not.

"Yeah, I know," I reply. "Maybe if they banked as much money as clinical psychologists, I'd consider it."

"It isn't always about the money, babe," Connor informs me matter-of-factly and I can't help but laugh.

"Yeah, okay, rich boy," I chuckle and then put the car in park, deciding that I'm tired of seeing my poor puppy struggle to keep his chubby little legs going.

"So, what do you think about California?" He randomly asks me, changing the subject, which is pretty funny. He seems to get the idea that I want Karev's walk to be over though, because he picks Karev up and then walks around to the passenger side of my car and gets inside.

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