Chapter 08 | You're Wasting Your Talent

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Chapter 08 | You're Wasting Your Talent

At the sound of the sudden voice, Graham and I immediately jump a good foot or so away from each other, both of us breathing embarrassingly heavily. I feel a blush creeping over my face and instead of looking at Graham, who's breathing like an asthmatic who just ran a 5K, I cross my arms across my chest and stare down at the titled kitchen floor.

"Didn't you say they broke up?" A voice, and not the one I was expecting, whispers. Evidently, he's an awful whisperer though, since I can clearly hear him all the way over here.

The voice belongs to Chace. Chace Fontana aka my (and Beckett's) step brother and Nicholas and Savannah's adoptive brother. After our parents got married a few years back, I suspected that Chace and Beckett wouldn't get along all that well, mostly because of the fact that Aspen had a little fling with Chace in high school before she got involved with my brother. 

That wasn't the case though; Beckett and Chace became fast friends after our parents tied the knot. It's weird though, now that I think about it, because Aspen's about to marry into my family, which means that Chace, her ex-lover, is about to become her new step brother-in-law (is that a thing?). Gosh, that's gonna be very awkward for her.

Anyway though, after graduation, he (Chace) moved down south to Tennessee to attend Vanderbilt University. I guess he decided to come back to Massachusetts for the summer.

"They did," Beckett replies with a sigh, closing my front door. "At least, that's what she told me," He adds and out of my peripheral vision, I see him sending angry glares at me.

"We did break up," Graham assures Beckett, having suddenly caught his breath. "But it's's complicated, you know?" He vaguely explains. "It's nice to see you again, Chace."

"You too, buddy," Chace says, returning the nicety. "And it's nice to see you again too, sis," He adds, obviously talking to me. It's so annoying that he calls me that, but he does.

"Good to see you too, Chace," I murmur, turning and opening the refrigerator. I take out a cold bottle of water, twist the cap off, and take a long sip, hoping it'll calm my nerves.

"Okay, well, what are you still doing here?" Beckett demands of Graham. I glance over at him then, seeing that he's looking at him with the infamous Beckett Death Stare. It's the same look he'd always get on his face whenever Flynn was the topic of conversation way back when. I hardly see it anymore, but it's out now and that's how I know he's pissed.

"What?" Graham asks, obviously confused by Beckett's hostility.

"What. Are. You. Still. Doing. Here?" He slowly repeats, over-enunciating every syllable. "I told you to leave my sister alone and you clearly didn't listen, but now you need to go."

"Sawyer and I are friends," He says. "She wanted to hang out."

"You're not friends," Beckett replies, shaking his head. "You don't get to be friends with my sister after everything you've put her through. So you need to get your shit and leave."

"Beck," I say, about to tell him to cool it, but then I'm cut off.

"Look, I know you don't like me and that's okay," Graham tells Beckett. "But you can't come in here and throw me out of Sawyer's house. If she wants me to go, she will say so."

"No she won't, so I'm saying it for her," Beck says. "Get out."

"Maybe we should just leave," Chace suggests, trying to intervene. "I told dad that I'd come and see him and Heather when I got here, so why don't we just head on over there?"

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