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Like my first day, I ran to school, and Irene was right there to greet me. Except, she was interrogating me to see if I did my BTS homework.

"Instead of three songs, I accidentally listened to the entire album." I swear just as I said that, her entire face lit up like there was no tomorrow.

"I'm so proud of you!" She squealed, jumping up and down. "I know you don't like hugs, but if you did, I would be hugging you like crazy."

"Alright, how about you tone it down a notch, and we can go to English. And then you and Ashley can talk about it during Math."

Today, we learned about sonnets. Like villanelles, it had a specific rhyming scheme. Better yet, it had to be 14 lines, and followed an iambic pentameter, which meant each line had to have five syllables. I was considering killing myself, and so were other people, judging by the looks towards the open window. Someone even went to take a look, probably estimating the jump.

Thankfully, Ms. Rosaline said the iambic pentameter wasn't necessary. We, unfortunately, didn't write in class, so it ended up being our homework.

Today also meant I had gym. Mr. Randy glared at me the entire time, and he did show me the middle finger, and whispered "fuck you" when I came inside the room. I had to stop Irene from yelling at him.

She kept on telling me that I should report him or at least tell my brothers. But I shot her down. He was like this because he wouldn't get to see me wear shorts, and I threatened him with my brothers. Also, Wilson told me that his salary was lowered.

He said instead of jogging, we were running two miles today. And if we wanted to pass, we had to do it in under ten minutes. It seemed like that today I would die from my lungs collapsing from too much exertion.

I did it in eight minutes, actually I was one of the first ones to finish. Mr. Randy, though, was not happy and kept on giving me death glares. But my body suffered greatly. I had to stop my legs from shaking and giving out from under me.

I was breathing too fast for my liking. I could already feel myself getting lightheaded. And I could tell that if I didn't steady myself in the next minute, I was going to faint. Which was not ideal in any case.

And then it dawned on me, I was going to have to run back home today too. That is not healthy at all, to state the obvious.

I quickly sat down, training myself to breathe in slowly.

In, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Hold, one, two, three, four five.

Out, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

I did a couple more times, and I could finally feel my heart rate lowering. Irene looked concerned, asking if I was alright. I appreciated her kindness.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" She frowned, getting closer.

I edged away from her, not wanting her to get close. "I'm sorry, but I'd like space for myself. Also, I'm fine."

"Sorry." She jumped back, some guilt in her eyes. "I didn't mean to."

"It's fine. You didn't know. How about we just go to Math, where you and Ashley talk about BTS."

She opened her mouth as if she was about to protest, but she closed her mouth, still frowning before she accepted it.

Just before we left, Mr. Randy brushed against me, squeezing my butt, whispering, "You're so in for it you fucking little whore of a bitch."

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