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... hi guys

happy late new years! i'll be honest, i really don't want to update this book, but let me know if i should. 

anyways, here is the next chapter, vote, comment and enjoy!


Today was Friday, the end of the week, finally.

But oh wait, I had a project for biology due next week.

Wilson didn't bother for his morning jog, probably because of yesterday. Good thing too, because I was out on the roof, watching the sun rise, as I used to do.

I went back to my room, pretending to curl under the blanket, just as someone knocked on the door, yelling for me to get up.

It seemed Wilson and Kieran weren't here.

I pulled on a green hoodie with blue jeans, before taking my backpack and leaving the house to run to school. Romero nor Elijah bothered to tell me to eat breakfast.

I finally made it to English, where Mr. Randy was still there as our substitute teacher. He sent me a glare, mouthing words that I didn't bother to read, making him even more angry.

Irene tried to talk to me, but I would give her one-word answers. I eventually slipped her a paper that I just wasn't in the mood today, and if she didn't mind, if she could leave me alone. She understood, though there was some concern in her eyes.

I didn't need the concern. I didn't need anyone. I just needed to get through this hellhole of a life.

I completed the work, aware of his piercing gaze trying to bait me into looking at him. He eventually smacked the desk, making others startle, looking up at him. But I still didn't.

Again, he dismissed everyone early by fifteen minutes this time.

I was getting up from my desk, when he grabbed my arm, hissing in my ear, "You're so in for it, you fucking cunt."

I pulled my arm away, slammed my chair in, and walked away from him, despite his curses ringing in the air. Worst of all, I still had gym next period.

Irene, despite what I said, still waited for me outside, and we walked silently to gym. Everyone was gathering around, waiting for him to unlock the doors. A few minutes later, he did. I ducked my head, avoiding his wandering gaze. It seemed he didn't find me, because you could literally hear him fuming.

I put my backpack away, and went to the bathroom to pull on joggers. There was no way I was going to let anyone see me for who I was.

Mr. Randy obviously didn't care, he was just there to please himself.

We ended up running for the rest of the period. But this time, he made us run 30 laps around the gym, under 2 minutes.

Most of the students dropped out after 10 laps. It was only the guys and me. I could feel my heart beating louder with every foot step. My heart was working faster and faster, with no break. My lungs were screaming in pain, as if it was slowly deteriorating. There was an increasing burn, as if it hurts to breathe. Every inhale I took burned my lung, it was my poison.

At 20 laps, it was just me and a few other boys. Sweat dampened my hoodie, heat burned my skin. My legs were slowly weakening. My heart ascended into infinity, my lungs were crying. The injuries, the scabs on my legs were hissing, searing open, making me wince in pain.

At 25 laps, I could feel my heart become nonexistent. It was a miracle I was still breathing. It hurt so much to inhale. I couldn't even exhale. I was in agony. I could barely push myself to run, but I knew if I didn't, he would lower my grade, Wilson would find out. The terror two would mock me more. I couldn't let anyone find out.

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