Infinity War-4

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Cut to Gamora and Thons aboard Thanos's ship. He brings a little cup of food and holds it out to her.

Thanos: I thought you might be hungry

Gamora takes it, the hurls it across the room where it bangs against Thanos's chair with a loud clack.

Gamora: I always hated that chair

Thanos: So I've been told. Even so. I'd hoped you'd sit on it one day

Gamora: I hated this room. This ship. I hated my life

Quill held gamora's hand tightly in comfort

Nebula nods at what her sister said it was the truth

Thanos: You told me that too. Every day. For almost twenty years.

Gamora: I was a child when you took me

Thanos: I saved you

Gamora: No. No. We were happy on my home planet

Thanos: Going to bed hungry, scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I'm the one who stopped that. Do you know what's happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It's a paradise

Gamora scoffed as

Sam said in disbelief " Paradise!"

" He slaughtered half of the people, probably traumatized the other half and he calls it paradise?

Gamora: Because you murdered half of the planet

Thanos: A small price to pay for salvation

Many scoffed in disbelief

Gamora: You're insane

Thanos: Little one, it's a simple calculus. The universe is finite, its resources are finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.

Gamora: You don't know that!

Thanos: I'm the only one who knows that. At least, I'm the only one with the will to act on it. For a time... you had that same will... as you fought by my side. daughter

Rhodey asked " If his whole thing is ' we're running out of resources then why doesn't he just double the resources instead of halving the population?

Gamora: I'm not your daughter. Everything I hate about myself you taught me

Thanos: And in doing so, made you the fiercest woman in the galaxy. That's why I trusted you  to find the soul stone 

Gamora and Nebula glared at Thanos on the screen

Gamora: I'm sorry I disappointed you

Thanos: I am disappointed. But not because you didn't find it. But because you did and you lied.

Cut to a shot of a large metal door opening. Thanos and gamora stand there as a set of inner doors made of interlacing metal slide away. Inside, we see that nebula is suspended horizontally in the air in the middle of the room

The kids shouted in terror

as all the elders looked at Nebula on the screen in horror

Gamora: Nebula

The camera shifts to the right side and we see that nebula has been partially disassembled so that she is still living, yet still slightly connected to each of her parts.

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