Fading Echoes of Love

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In a quaint Saharanpur village, Rihan and Arushi shared a timeless love, their hearts entwined since childhood. As they grew up Rihan wanted to pursue his dream of being a musician and do e decided to take colloge in the city,Arushi didn't wanted him to leave but she never wanted to become a barrier in between him and his dreams so she gifted him a promise ring, sealing a commitment to always love each other and he promised her that he'd visit every week.

The initial months were filled with laughter they always called each other and whenever they met they enjoyed the day enjoying each others company and sharing about their lifes, but one day, suspicion clouded Arushi's heart. Fearing betrayal, she impulsively hurt him by messaging each and every girl from his phone "leave me alone", pushing Rihan to the breaking point.

Arushi: "Why won't you tell me the truth? Are you seeing someone else in the city? I know you are cheating on me. Who is she?"

Rihan:"Arushi, you know I would never do that to you. Why the hell don't you believe me? Trust me I love you and i am not seeing anyone."

An argument unfolded, harsh words were exchanged, leading to an irreversible decision—Rihan chose to walk away.

Rihan:"I can't do this anymore. Maybe we're not meant to be. Lets breakup. Its best for both of us."

Devastated, Arushi, consumed by anguish, made a desperate attempt to hold onto him.

Arushi: "Please, Rihan, don't leave me. I can't live without you."

He didn't hear her and walked away. She didn't know what to do so to scare him she made a cut on her palm.

"AHHHH" she said.  He turned and saw blood dripping from her wrist he got scared and ran to her .

"See you also care for me"
But when he saw she didn't do anything he got angry on her for such a bad prank.

"Are you mad" and walked away.

"Please rihan don't leave me I'll die"

He didn't think much as he thought she must be lying again and she won't do anything. He wanted a breakup but he never wanted her to be hurt but as it is always said that we should always think before saying anything but he didn't and said

"So just fuking die and leave me alone" saying that he left from their.


Next day when he got the news that Arushi committed suicide he was devasted he was blaming himself tears rolling down his cheeks.

Rihan: "What have I done? I should have stayed and talked to her. I shouldn't have said that. I killed her."

Days later, police called him as he was the only one on her important contacts. They gave him her phone and some other stiffs like her diary.

He saw the diary which was her personal diary and she wrote everything in it from the day they met to the day when he confessed then first time they held each others hand their first kiss their first trip as a couple with a lots of pictures. Seeing the diary a flood of memories overwhelmed him.

Then he saw her phone and as soon as he unlocked it was his chat that was opemed and he saw that she have a draft message for him that she didn't send her. He read the message

Arushi's message:

"Hi, if you are reading this message, then that means I am not with you anymore. I have always loved you and will always continue to love you. It was not your mistake. And dont you dare think that you didn't cared for me it was myself only who didnt told you anything. The time i spent with you was one of the best time of my life. I enjoyed my time whenever I were with you you made me laugh ,you made me feel so loved ,you made me feel all those stupid feelings that i never knew existed. I know it didn't work out and it was probably my mistake too for doubting when all you did was loved me.
It was my family who pushed me to the verge that I had no choice but to take my life. Please never ever blame yourself. And find a beautiful and lovely girl and move on. I love you Rihan. ❤️"

Tears streaming down his face and he broke down and fell in his knees, Rihan realized all the while they wer dating she was suffering she was so much in pain and he never realised her pain he was never there for her in her bad times. He hugged his knees and cried his heart out as he realised that he couldn't escape the profound love Arushi left behind, a love that transcended her untimate departure.

The weight of regret and sorrow pressed heavily on Rihan's heart as he confronted the depth of Arushi's pain. The realization that he had failed to see her silent suffering haunted him, overshadowing the memories of their laughter and love. In the quiet aftermath, Rihan found himself ensnared in the bittersweet embrace of a love that transcended her tragic departure, leaving him with an indelible ache and the profound understanding that some wounds never truly heal.

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