The Last Letter

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Riya had always loved writing letters. She found it more personal and intimate than texting or calling. She had a box full of letters that she had received from her friends, family, and especially from her husband, Rohan. They had met in college and fallen in love. They had exchanged letters every week, even after they got married and moved in together. They had promised to never stop writing to each other, no matter what.

But then, Rohan was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He had only a few months left to live. Riya was devastated, but she tried to be strong for him. She took care of him, accompanied him to the hospital, and prayed for a miracle. She also continued to write letters to him, telling him how much she loved him and how proud she was of him. She hoped that her words would give him some comfort and strength.

Rohan also wrote letters to her, but they became less frequent and shorter as his condition worsened. He told her how much he appreciated her and how sorry he was for putting her through this. He also told her to be happy and to move on after he was gone. He said that he would always be with her in spirit and that he would wait for her in heaven.

One day, Riya came home from the hospital and found a letter on the table. It was from Rohan. She opened it with trembling hands and read it. It was his last letter. He had written it the night before, knowing that he wouldn't make it through the day. He had asked the nurse to deliver it to her. He had written:

My dearest Riya,

If you are reading this, it means that I have left this world and gone to a better place. I hope you are not too sad, my love. I know it is hard, but you have to be brave and strong. You have to live your life to the fullest and fulfill your dreams. You have to smile and laugh and enjoy every moment. You have to be happy, for me and for yourself.

I want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my soulmate, my partner, my friend, my everything. You have given me so much joy and love and happiness. You have made me a better person and a better husband. You have been with me through thick and thin, through good times and bad times, through health and sickness. You have been my angel, my light, my hope. You have been my reason to live.

I also want you to know that I love you more than words can say. I love you more than the stars in the sky, more than the sun in the day, more than the moon at night. I love you more than life itself. I love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, all my strength. I love you now and forever. I love you beyond death.

I am sorry for leaving you so soon, my love. I wish I could stay with you longer, but God has other plans for me. I trust that He knows what is best for us. I hope that He will give you peace and comfort and grace. I hope that He will bless you and protect you and guide you. I hope that He will heal your broken heart and fill it with love again.

Please don't cry for me, my love. Please don't mourn for me. Please don't feel guilty or angry or bitter. Please don't blame yourself or anyone else. Please don't lose faith or hope or joy. Please don't forget me or hate me or regret me. Please don't let go of me or of yourself.

Please remember me, my love. Please remember our love. Please remember our memories. Please remember our letters. Please remember our vows. Please remember our promises. Please remember our dreams. Please remember our future. Please remember that I will always be with you, in your heart and in your mind and in your soul. Please remember that I will always love you, no matter what.

This is my last letter to you, my love. But it is not the end of our story. It is not the end of our love. It is not the end of us. It is just a pause, a comma, a breath. It is just a temporary goodbye, until we meet again. It is just a see you soon, until we are reunited. It is just a I love you, until we say it again.

I love you, Riya. I love you more than anything. I love you more than everything. I love you more than anything and everything. I love you more than anything and everything and more.

Yours forever,


Riya finished reading the letter and broke down in tears. She hugged the letter to her chest and sobbed uncontrollably. She felt a surge of emotions: grief, pain, loss, anger, fear, loneliness, emptiness. She felt like her world had ended. She felt like she had lost a part of herself. She felt like she had nothing left to live for.

But then, she also felt something else: love. She felt Rohan's love for her. She felt her love for him. She felt their love for each other. She felt their love that was stronger than death. She felt their love that was eternal. She felt their love that was alive.

She wiped her tears and looked at the letter again. She smiled through her sadness and whispered:

"I love you too, Rohan. I love you more than anything. I love you more than everything. I love you more than anything and everything. I love you more than anything and everything and more.

Yours forever,


She kissed the letter and put it in her box. She decided to keep writing letters to him, even though he was gone. She decided to keep living, even though he was not with her. She decided to keep loving, even though he was not there. She decided to keep their story going until they met again. She decided to keep their promise until they said it again. She decided to keep their love alive until they felt it again.

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