A Heartfelt Confession

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Aman, a shy and introverted boy residing in Delhi, hailed from a family deeply rooted in conservative traditions. His fervor for photography and journalism drove him to capture the world's beauty and truth through his lens and words, nurturing aspirations to become a renowned reporter someday.

Zara, a bold and outspoken girl living in Mumbai, belonged to a liberal and progressive family that championed freedom and diversity. Her flair for singing and dancing fueled her desire to express herself and captivate audiences with her voice and moves. She harbored aspirations of becoming a popular singer.

One day, Aman and Zara met at a college festival in Bangalore. They were both representing their respective colleges in different events. Aman was participating in a photography contest and Zara was performing in a singing competition. They bumped into each other by chance and started talking.

Aman: "I'm sorry, I didn't see you."

Zara: "It's okay, I didn't see you either."

Aman: "I'm Aman, by the way. I'm from Delhi."

Zara: "I'm Zara, nice to meet you. I'm from Mumbai."

Aman: "Nice to meet you too. So, what are you doing here?"

Zara: "I'm here for the singing competition. I'm performing in a few minutes."

Aman: "Oh, wow, that's cool."

Zara: "Thank you. And what about you? What brings you here?"

Aman: "I'm here for the photography contest. I'm submitting my photos soon."

Zara: "Oh, wow, that's cool too. What kind of photos do you take?"

Aman: "I capture photos of people, places, and events. I like to encapsulate the essence and emotions of the moment."

Zara: "That's very interesting. Can I see some of your photos?"

Aman: "Sure, I have them on my phone. Here, take a look."

Zara: "Wow, these are beautiful. I love the colors, angles, and expressions. You have a great eye for detail."

Aman: "Thank you. I'm glad you like them. So, what genres and languages do you sing?"

Zara: "I sing songs of different genres and languages. I enjoy experimenting and exploring diverse styles and cultures."

Aman: "That's very interesting too. Can I hear some of your songs?

Zara: "Here, take a listen."

Aman: "Wow, these are amazing. I love your voice, rhythm, and energy. You're immensely talented in music."

Zara: "Thank you. I'm glad you liked them."

As Aman and Zara continued conversing, they discovered shared passions and mutual respect for each other. They exchanged contact information, establishing a mutual decision to remain in touch.

Over time, their regular texts and calls nurtured a close friendship where they confided in each other, shared laughter and tears, and supported one another through life's highs and lows. Their bond grew as they learned, evolved, and admired each other's pursuits.

Aman found himself utterly captivated by Zara's infectious laughter, unwavering support, and her remarkable understanding of him on a level unmatched by anyone else. Her strength, confidence, and her zest for life enchanted him deeply.

Their love blossomed organically, fueled by shared dreams, mutual respect, and an unspoken understanding that transcended the physical distance between Delhi and Mumbai. Aman realized that he had fallen deeply for Zara. He admired her spirit, cherished her presence, and treasured every moment they spent together.

As their relationship deepened, Aman knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Zara. Determined to make her birthday unforgettable, he meticulously planned a proposal.

Aman carefully set up her favorite spot, putting her favorite flowers everywhere and playing her favourite music. He brought her a cake  that she really liked, all to make her day super special. And, he had a pretty ring to make it even more amazing.

Aman nervously kneeled down, his heart racing with excitement and love.

"Zara," he began, his voice quivering with emotion, "There's something I want to tell you, something I've felt for a long time."

"I want to marry you. I want to marry you because you deserve someone who treats you right. I want to marry you because you make me smile effortlessly. I want to marry you because I want to take care of you. I want to marry you because you're different. I want to marry you because you push me to become the best I can become. I want to marry you because you actually put effort into me. I want to marry you because you understand me. I want to marry you because you don't judge me, you help me. I want to marry you because you treat me right, and you put your pride aside for us. I want to marry you because you know the deepest darkest parts of me, yet you decide to stay. I want to marry you because I don't have to act like someone I'm not with you. I want to marry you because I trust you. I want to marry you because I trust you to be the mother of my future children. I want to marry you because I want to make you happy. I want to marry you because life is a struggle, and you make that struggle worthwhile. There are many more reasons I could mention. All of these reasons fall into the final and most important reason. I want to marry you because I love you. I love you with all my heart. And I'm lucky enough that you love me back."

Zara's eyes shimmered with tears of joy, and with a trembling voice filled with love, she replied, "Yes, Aman, a thousand times, yes!" They wrapped each other in a warm embrace, their hearts overflowing with love and happiness, knowing that this was just the beginning of their beautiful journey together where their love story would continue to flourish with each passing day.

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